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Thursday, May 14, 2020

CNN puts teen climate activist Greta Thunberg on coronavirus panel with health experts — and observers are in mockery mode

CNN said Wednesday it's featuring teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg on a coronavirus panel alongside health experts.

In addition to Thunberg, the network's "Coronavirus — Facts and Fears" live town hall Thursday night will include former acting Centers for Disease Control Director Richard Besser and former Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius, as well as Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

Thunberg is among a number of environmental activists who arecelebrating significantly reduced carbon dioxide emissions as a result of worldwide lockdowns amid the coronavirus. She also claimed on social media to have recovered from mild symptoms of COVID-19.

However, it's unclear if those are the reasons the Swedish 17-year-old is on the coronavirus panel with health experts. CNN on Wednesday didn't immediately reply to TheBlaze's request for comment regarding why she's appearing alongside Besser and Sebelius.

A controversial figure who's drawn praise from leftists and scorn and skepticism from just about everywhere else, Thunberg is known for her passionate speeches about climate change. She was infamously mocked for a tirade last year in which she angrily asked detractors and nonbelievers, "How dare you?" She also was named Time's 2019 Person of the Year and nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize



  1. P.T. Barnum is alive and kicking even though his show has long since closed.😂 There's a sucker born.....

  2. Gretta: "Every country on this round planet except China, can't say bad things about them, is causing this Virus and Global warming!
    This virus is your punishment for destroying this planet. You know the planet is round not flat.
    I live where there is snow and other kinds of weather.
    If Hitler were alive today he would be concerned about climate change. He was a great leader.
    America has a bad leader. America pollutes the air.
    Look there is a airplane in the sky, they pollute too. I travel by boat you know.
    I have a dog and a cat. My parents don't like me. I wish I was normal so I could have a boyfriend.
    I am the smartest person here on CNN"!

  3. Sure as hell not for eye candy. For the love of TV - get that youngin some MAKEUP and eyelashes!!!!!


  4. I've always said CNN is full of Retards and this is just one more to the pile!

  5. Thunberg (Tribe Descendant) is an intelligence asset. The owners of MSM places her into the limelight to put focus on their Climate Agenda. Everything is now run by intelligence and nothing happens by chance.

  6. Who else is coming , Cookie Monster?

  7. That ugly tree she fell out of must have been 100 feet that and full of branches!

  8. CNN Clown News Network has some of the lowest IQ news associates, so she should fit in well!

  9. I see Greta was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.

    That puts her in league with Obama, nuff said!

  10. I ain't no expert, but I'm thinking her mom wound them braids just a bit past TOO TIGHT! Imma thinking If she was to just loosen em a tiny bit, it may 1) take them KNOTS outta her forehead and 2) It may also get through her 17 year old brain.. Shes WAY outta her league! But hey. If the left wants to hail her ad the End all-Be all of science, they really need to set their expectation levels REAL LOW!.....jus saying

  11. I read that your brain does not reach full maturity until 22 or 23 of age. Could be right - can you remember some of the stupid things you did as a teenager. Let's not give this brat any attention 😂

  12. CNN = Crazy Nutjob News

    Adding her raised the networks whole IQ up to 54

  13. The only good thing I can say about Thunberg - as jaw-droppingly STUPID as she is - is that she's less loathsome than David Hogg....when it comes to Democrats using teenagers for their agenda (I call this political pedophilia in their part).

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