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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

‘Close Them Down’: Trump Threatens To Shut Down Social Media Platforms

President Trump threatened action against social media companies one day after Twitter, for the first time, fact-checked one of his tweets on mail-in voting.

"Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices,” the presidenttweeted Wednesday without providing evidence, adding that the companies should either be “strongly” regulated or shut down.

On Tuesday, Twitter hit Trump with a fact-check for the first time ever for tweets the president wrote claiming mail-in ballots are wrought with fraud: “Get the facts about mail-in ballots,” the note below Trump’s tweet said.

Hours later, the president responded by accusing the company of “interfering” in the 2020 election, stifling free speech and using “fact-checking by Fake News CNN and the Amazon Washington Post.”



  1. Liberals hate the truth

  2. Lol im crackin up. Just imagaine you guys' reaction if that was Obama. Too funny

    1. Our Country has fallen apart because of idiots like you and Barry Obama

  3. No evidence that they are biased against Republicans and conservatives? WOW what world do they live in?

  4. SBY news would be shut down????

  5. Nothing will be done

  6. They follow no rules shut them down.

  7. Twitter can “silence conservative voices“
    or any voice It chooses to silence for that matter. There is no law that obligates a social media platform to publish whatever content its users choose to post. They can censor, fact check, or remove any content posted by users for any reason or for no reason at all. If a user of the platform has a problem with that, they can simply stop using the platform. This applies to the president the same as is applies to any other user.


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