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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Clinton adviser James Carville says Trump will 'get his fat a** beat'

James Carville, the former political strategist who worked for President Bill Clinton in the 1990s, is predicting that President Donald Trump will 'get his fat a** beat' in November's general election.

Despite polling day being six months away, Carville believes firmly that former vice president and the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, will secure a convincing victory over the incumbent.

'He's gonna get his a** beat,' Carville said to John Melendez on The Stuttering John Podcast. 'Alright, he's gonna get his fat a** beat. The question is by how much.'



  1. yet another political pundit out of touch with reality.

  2. So says "the skull". How can he say anything about how someone looks. Hope he crawls back in the pit from whence he came.

  3. Carville is and always has been an idiot no one has have cared what he says he is not a strategist just a leaky mouth.

  4. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!

    Trump 2020!

  5. Keep dreaming!!! We will be out Election Day and prove you dems wrong again. Only to find out you won’t accept the fact that America voted again, for Trump.

  6. Apparently carville is as dumb as he looks

  7. This raspy voiced idiot is a nut job!!!!

  8. Only in his dreams pervert old man carville serial sexual assault enabler to clinton. He also predicted hillary would win by a "land slide" in 2016. Gross old man got those words jammed up his lying arse then and will again

  9. I am waiting for the day when somebody punches that obnoxious a-hole Carville in the face. He would probably cry.

    1. From his looks, I thought it had been done many times.

  10. He predicted Hillary would easily win

  11. Only if the dems get a chance to cheat with mail in voting. Which we all know they’re trying to do. It’s the only chance the lefties have of winning. And what does that say about you libbies? That you would pick a corrupt career politician as your nominee?🤔

  12. So, now James Carville is on the "Has been" show circuit. Hahaha...Lets see, Stuttering John was Howard Sterns lackey, and that apparently gives him credibility?...What a joke! Loser...

  13. Thought he was dead.

    1. Vote Trump 2020.....so he can investigateMay 23, 2020 at 6:44 PM

      He is

      they dug him up, propt him up
      and ran a voice recording of him

      he, as other dead people will vote for the KLU KLUX KLAN BIDEN

  14. He may as well be dead, for as much as his opinion is worth.

    He always seemed the weasel type to me.

  15. I thought the Dems were against “fat shaming”,

  16. Hard to believe this dirt-bag is a Marine too!

    Probably was a shit-bird while on duty...certainly is one now!

    1. Ditto... I had planned on saying that until I got to yours.

  17. Carville is a out of touch pos.

  18. Carville has the same medical problem as Jeff Sessions. High cholesterol ( Blood Mud) causing senility from over indulgence of red beans and grits. I hope he finds a good doctor.

  19. Does anyone really pay any attention to what that simple , alien looking POS says?

  20. He also said Hillary was going to do the same thing.


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