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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Chicago Mayor to President Trump on Minneapolis: F-U ! (VIDEO)


  1. She’s a racist

  2. Hey things come to the suburbs n small towns 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  3. Just another mouthpiece for soros. Trump 2020 and beyond. I think he has three sons!

  4. Hope they burn Chicago to the dirt and dare her to ask for help

  5. Oh well, this country allows us freedom of speech. I am a Marine veteran, my service began in 68 . I took a sworn oath to defend our country. I was only 17 at the time . I’m now 69 years old and am still proud to have served in hostile situations to protect the lives of Americans. He mayor has the freedom of speech . But her choice of words calling our nation’s leader is trash . We are seeing our nation heading for civil unrest as we witnessed in the sixties. The four “wannabe “ cops that killed that man will be brought to justice I believe that Satan is holding some spaces for them .Please America, voice your opinion, protesting is fine in a no violence manner. The man should not have been killed. Burning our cities and looting doesn’t fix the issue .God Bless America please.

    1. Some people would call you a murderer but I don’t. I have no idea what you did during the Vietnam war times and I was not on location so I don’t judge. But I’ve read and watched some shocking videos of what the marines did to innocent people.

    2. @11:29 go back to the very safe space that people like my fellow Marine Corp veteran helped provide. We like so many others were/are nothing but political pawns in the constant power grab that IS this country and it's elected officials in the house and Senate. One thing is for certain war will change a man and I dis/would do anything I had to ensuring I made it home. Remember this though I will have NO reservation doing the same thing to liberal left wing cowards like yourself if your political views put me in that situation. So sleep well tonight that there are people like myself and @6:27 that have the stones to do whatever it takes but also keep one eye open when you take us for granted!!

  6. I guess President Trump hit a nerve!!! I guess he is right!!!

  7. Chicago needs a good cleaning, as does its mayor's mouth.

  8. So classy And they wonder why black youth are blowing each other brains out This is the trash the filth they have as "leaders" May she rot in hell after suffering a long and painful death. Plus she is as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside. her looks would gag a maggot.

  9. Wow, the deep state speaks.

    Trump 2020!!!

  10. " Anonymous said...
    Some people would call you a murderer but I don’t. I have no idea what you did during the Vietnam war times and I was not on location so I don’t judge. But I’ve read and watched some shocking videos of what the marines did to innocent people.

    May 30, 2020 at 11:19 PM"

    yeah you watched some videos and read. It's called propaganda.

  11. typical ghetto another one from generations of primal garbage. she's one of 4 whose "parents" knew how to make them babies but when it came to raising them animals raise young better and more civilized

  12. 6:27...You only have to read the above negative comments to realize that veterans such as ourselves are the “glue” along with those that are serving, that help hold our fragile Nation and system of government together. There is no doubt, that you, I, and others in our category are still willing if necessary to lay down our lives in keeping the very oath we and others have taken to defend our Country against all enemies, foreign and domestic.


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