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Monday, May 11, 2020

Charlamagne tha God to the Black Community: Buy Guns for Protection from ‘Vanilla ISIS’

Sunday on MSNBC, radio host Charlamagne tha God encouraged blacks to buy a gun to protect themselves against “white ISIS” amid the Ahmaud Arbery controversy, who was allegedly killed by two men, Gregory and Travis McMichael, in Georgia on February 23.

Charlamagne tha God said, “My thoughts are rest in peace and condolences to his family. I wish that brother had a gun on him while he was jogging to defend himself against those thugs, those goons, those terrorists. I call them vanilla ISIS. That’s what I call them. They hunted him down like he was a deer. I would tell my brothers and sisters to buy a legal firearm and learn how to use it to protect yourself and your family. I am, and I think when you are a black person in America, owning a legal firearm is a form of self-care. That’s my thoughts on that. I wish he had a gun on him while jogging. I would much rather see him in prison fighting for his freedom as opposed to being in a casket right now.”



  1. Oh brother what leftist BS this is, someone's been on the plantation far to long.

  2. Any National coverage of the 80 year old couple that we're hunted down in a VA Cemetery? Nah, does not fit the narrative.

  3. Most of them have an illegally obtained gun on them anyway. Usually stolen.

  4. He better watch using the word Isis. He'll be next. They'll make those 2 rednecks seem like nothing.

  5. Let's see how the background checks go first. Incidents like this no doubt are going to fan the flames. The father and son had no business taking the law in their own hands... that was just stupid.

  6. I cant help but QUESTION the vanity level, as well as the mental stability of a person that goes by the name "Charlamagne the GOD"...jus saying

    1. Charlamagne "THA" God, you have to make it a point to bastardize the spelling of certain words due to the lack of education and/or intellect to spell them correctly.

  7. Northwest Woodsman : It’s beginning! I see bloodshed on the horizon and it will not be pretty. If blacks continue to force their irrational agenda, there will be a backlash that they cannot appreciate due to their innate inability to foresee consequences.

  8. Blacks seem to have plenty of guns in Baltimore, Chicago and other Democratic plantations...

  9. Northwest Woodsman: Yes 1:25, they seem to not have any trouble acquiring guns, however probably due to the geographic situation (nowhere to practice) and shortage of ammunition, they are terribly inaccurate and demonstrate poor gun control techniques. Ever watch them hopping and dancing around as they fire? Not the most stable platform for accurate marksmanship. Actually funny if the behavior was not so tragic.


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