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Friday, May 01, 2020

California releases detailed list of outdoor activities allowed during shutdown

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is encouraging residents to go outdoors during the shelter-in-place order as long as they follow social distancing guidelines.

"We want you to see sunsets," he said. "We want you to enjoy activities outdoors. What they don't want is people congregating outside in large groups."

The governor noted the state has released a new list of activities allowed on its COVID19.ca.gov website, and we've posted it below. All of these activities are allowed as long as they're done only with members of your household and if you maintain a distance of six feet from others.

-- Athletics
-- Badminton (singles)
-- Throwing a baseball or softball
-- BMX biking
-- Canoeing (singles)
-- Crabbing
-- Cycling
-- Exploring rock pools
-- Gardening (not in groups)
-- Golf (singles, walking – no cart)
-- Hiking (on trails and paths allowing distancing)
-- Horseback riding (singles)
-- Jogging and running
-- Kite boarding and kitesurfing
-- Meditation
-- Outdoor photography
-- Picnics (with your stay-home household members only)
-- Quad Biking
-- Rock Climbing
-- Roller Skating and Roller Blading
-- Rowing (singles)
-- Scootering (not in groups)
-- Skateboarding (not in groups)
-- Soft martial arts – Tai Chi, Chi Kung (not in groups)
-- Table tennis (singles)
-- Throw and catch an American mini football, Frisbee or Frisbee golf (not in groups)
-- Trail running
-- Trampolining
-- Tree climbing
-- Volleyball (singles)
-- Walk the dog
-- Wash the car
-- Watch the sunrise or sunset
-- Yoga


  1. Seems like a reasonable list

  2. Where is: Crap on the Sidewalk
    Pee in the Plants in front of stores
    Beg and harass folks for a handout
    Hide an illegal from ICE

  3. NO,NO, NO!!!!!!! This is NOT acceptable. We are free people! The more OUR government responds to this, the MORE they become like the country that started this mess! NO! We cannot allow OUR elected officials th k mas ke MINDLESS ENDLESS regulations that have NO LOGIC. They are nothing more than OVERREACH!!! How can we continue to allow OUR government to continuously use OUR money, to fund their agendas, and NOT represent us. STAND UP AMERICA!

  4. Who the heck does this dictator think he is that he can tell you what's "Allowed" outside.

  5. I’m searching for something sharp to poke into my eye.

  6. No nude sunbathing or panning for gold?? How unCalifornian!

  7. No taking a dump on the sidewalks, geez.

  8. The democrats love this marxist directives..be a good little commie and get in line OR ELSE!! Fits right in with their other marxist luciferian garbage..# metoo, safe spaces, social justice, russia russia russia, TDS. We MAGA, Had the scum swamp backs against the wall.so now i guess this little physc op should get them back on track??guess they did not need hillary after all?
    You all better be awake

    Im not cheering!!

  9. Can't bounce a basketball. This is racist!

  10. It looks like cat juggling still has to be done at home.

  11. Who is he to tell us when his state is a literal shithole.



  13. Where can Frisco's druggies shoot up?

    Drug dealers ok with proper PPE?

    Botoxed old women permitted to scarf down expensive pints of ice cream if properly secured in high end refrigerators?

    Asking for a friend.

  14. High Desert DawgMay 1, 2020 at 6:44 PM

    Awwww, come on! Newsom PROMISED me, he was gonna put MUD WRESTLING on the list...what the fuuuuuuu#$k. NOW IM PISSED!

  15. High Desert DawgMay 1, 2020 at 6:46 PM

    Hey, I dont see shooting heroine on there....Oh boy, there's gonna be some pissed off junkies!


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