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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Blue State Governors Struggling to Enforce Draconian Lockdown Orders

Several blue state governors have refused to listen to the cries of residents begging them to reopen their respective states, instead issuing threats against localities and business owners who fail to comply with their draconian lockdown orders — threats that have, largely, failed to come to fruition.

Residents across several states, under the leadership of Democrat governors, have been urging their respective governors to reopen the economy as the coronavirus curve flattens across the country and hospitals remain significantly under capacity. Some have acted in defiance, forging paths forward without approval from their governors, spurring threats of retaliation from the state officials. However, many of these blue state governors have demonstrated that their draconian lockdown orders cannot prevail against the American spirit, as Americans continue to fight for their right to operate their businesses, work, and earn a living.



  1. And RINO Hogan.

  2. I'm hearing even the NY people are done with Dems.

  3. We are rightfully due to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. While I don't agree with these power grabs by 'ellected' officials I also don't agree with these excessive bailouts to illegal immigrants, and foreign interests. We need to make the people that make these asinine decisions responsible for them. Without accountability absolutely power corrupts absolutely.

  4. All should be recalled or voted out this time around if they are up for election...Over stepped their bounds and everyone knows it.

  5. I hope this ruins the democrats for many years to come. The young are watching.

  6. Just a note about the virus: The weather channel is telling us to stock up on food and supplies to support the hurricane season. The stores are empty now . What the hell are these idiots thinking . Meteorologist ? the study of meteors ? These idiots have gone to the far left , tell us the weather , that's all I want , I don't want any news from the weather station , just the weather . I don't care about hail in Idaho and I don't care about snow in Montana . Just give me my forecast , I know you will get it right 50% of the time .
    They were also telling us "what ever shall we do if it floods during the Covid 19 scare , what ever shall we do id the wind blows hard during this Coved 19?
    My goodness , give another scare !!

  7. Let the rule breakers go i say . Less Trump voters in the fall

  8. Northwest Woodsman: Those who vote for Pedomarxist democrat politicians deserve every inconvenience levied upon them. The problem is that there are rational people who are capable of critical thinking who have figured out this fraud and we have to suffer along with manipulated and indoctrinated democrats.


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