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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Biden Confuses D-Day With Pearl Harbor

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden confused D-Day and Pearl Harbor—as well as the date that Delaware declared its independence from neighboring Pennsylvania—at a Wednesday campaign event.

"We declared our independence on December the 7th. It's not just D-Day," Biden said in an online townhall with Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf, referring to Delaware's breakaway from Pennsylvania.



  1. I might be insane, but I'm a progressiveMay 29, 2020 at 5:28 AM

    Well since most Progressives were not taught U.S. History

    What Ever Slow Joe says is true

  2. I don’t and never did like this pervert. But, this is getting sad. I’ve said it before and I’ll say again. Don’t be greedy, if you are his family pull him out of this embarrassment. He must deserve that at least.

  3. It was late for his afternoon nap and pudding.

  4. Obviously, obviously Joe is not the brightest bulb in the pack. And to think...rational people support him? C'mon man, who is kidding whom?

  5. That idiot's a Train wreck! Lets be real....ANYONE who actually believes Joe Biden is "competent" to run this Nation is either EXTREMELY desperate to beat Trump, or they're just as DELUSIONAL as Biden is!..."Come on Man"

  6. Be thankful he wasn't stating the Civil War-- too many dead brain cells. He needs a psych and someone who specializes in Dementia and Alzheimers because I don't think he would even pass to hold public office much less President. This really needs to be done also a drivers test I don't believe he would pass. Think about it President and Commander and Chief of this country. Medical needs to step in, his party and wife evidently don't care.

  7. only got confused because he fought in both of those battles

  8. "Was it over when the German's bombed Pearl Harbor?
    Forget it, he's rolling". ~ Animal House, 1979

  9. BIDEN isn't competent to run a 10 hen chicken house with a rooster named BUBBA. I posted this on face book a few days ago and I stand by my comment..


  10. Xtra,Xtra,Xtra, Calling all Dumbocrats, We need to make Joe B. President right now, along with an incompetent woman so the USA is sure to fail. This soapbox platform is what the Country needs. Headline.... Trump wins by a landslide !!!!!!

  11. And you Fools trust him with the Nuclear Codes ?? NOT


  12. D-Day came 4 times a year for Joe; when report cards were distributed.


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