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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Bernie Sanders Says Chances Are ‘Very, Very Slim’ That He Runs For President Again

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders all but shot down the possibility that he will run for president again, suggesting that another politician will take his place as the progressive choice.

Sanders spoke Monday about the 2020 presidential election and his support for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. The self-described democratic socialist also appeared to put a cap on any future political ambitions.

“I think the likelihood is very, very slim at that. I think next time around, you’re going to see another candidate carrying the progressive banner,” Sanders said during a Washington Post Live event when directly asked if he wants to run for president again.

When the host pointed out that Sanders did not “fully close the door” on the idea, the lawmaker repeated that the chances are near zero.



  1. No kidding, he will be 83 by Election Day 2024.

  2. He would be 105 with a monkey heart

  3. Well good then guess he will giving his assests away to the needy and moving to the projects in chicago.
    I wont hold my breath for that commie pig..he was the genie out of the bottle for the dems allowing their true socialist colors to finally shine thru. Beat both times but the luciferians circled the wagons and estinguished the burnie

  4. Why can't that Bugs-Bunny-Faced, baby-tantrum Sanders lump of political fecal matter just eff himself.........with the foreign object of his choice? That...that THING manages to be even more loathsome than Hilarious Hillary in some ways. And believe me, that's saying A LOT!

  5. Well ya, in 2024 he will be like 96!

  6. Time to find a nice rock to crawl under

  7. what a stooge...of course he won't run again.

  8. I'm guessing it will depend on if he made enough money during his last run for the office of the president. He only ran so that he could line his pockets with cash

  9. Why wouldn't he run? The Dems wouldn't let him win if he was 40 so what's it matter.


  10. I'm inclined to cut the crusty old Commie some hack. He's got 3 houses to do chores at and the private jets dried up when he parked his campaign. So unless he bagged enough cash to buy a jet or fourth house his time will be spoken for. Perhaps he can open an old age home and get Cuomo to send him referrals.

  11. Bernie said also that he won't run again because his French & Indian war injury has been giving him trouble.


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