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Saturday, May 02, 2020

AZ Woman Who Blamed Trump for Chloroquine Ingestion Now Subject of Homicide Investigation

There is a price to pay for taking the ‘orange man…bad’ route if you’re a liberal reporter. You’re bound to get slapped in the face. How many times will the liberal media endure being embarrassed before they realize that they’re bad at their jobs and it only helps Trump’s re-election efforts? The coverage of this White House has been atrocious. It’s par for the course—and I know they will never have a reflective moment because they’re all insufferable, self-righteous clowns who think their word is the gospel. I’ve never seen such an arrogant bunch.

In their effort to attack the Trump administration as it battles the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak in the US, the anti-Trump opposition press has peddled Chinese propaganda and now it looks like they’ve rallied around someone who is now under a homicide investigation. Remember that Arizona couple who ingested chloroquine phosphate because they thought it could ward off the virus? Wanda Lenius and her husband, Gary, ingested the fish tank cleaner with soda and the effects were dire. The husband died, while it left Wanda in critical condition. Now, she’s being investigated for homicide. Alana Goodman of the Washington Free Beacon has the scoop. One thing that struck friends of the late Gary Lenius as odd was this notion that this retired engineer would just take poison willingly.


1 comment:

  1. Won’t see the media touch this story now


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