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Sunday, May 31, 2020



  1. Nonsense, the lords want to know who and where you open so they can strong arm you in front of guest.

  2. The town of ocean city is doing this? Mini power tripping Hogan’s. Disgraceful. The individuals who are enforcing this need to be exposed.

  3. Bunch of slaves you all are!!!!! You all deserve to go under and out of business!!!! I can't wait for when I get to say I TOLD YOU SO yet again, after they raise taxes and fees on you...

    1. Does your mom know you’re on the internet machine again???

    2. How does your comment help anyone? Ok, what is your great plan?

    3. Now now I wouldn't stomp on you if you were down and almost out.

      How bout help instead of hurt.

    4. 2:31- Your statement unequivocally shows how stupid you are, and not worth pointing out what an idiot you must be on so many social levels. We all know that you don't own a business based and your stupid comment. Also, what exactly did you tell us before? Surely, we should have all recalled such important and researched comments! Finally, you didn't ever say sh!t. Not even now, obviously. You're even dumber than most, seeking some sort of validation for wagging your finger at everyone, while being insufferably mentally challenged! Not buying into your stupidity. Nor is anyone else. Sell crazy somewhere else, idiot. You're a pathetic arm chair d!ck.

  4. If you are not IN Ocean City, do you still need to pay them a fee to get THEIR permit?

  5. 2 generations and trillions of $ to defeat the Soviet Union and now we are the Soviet Union!

    1. 2:40 you are right
      The enemy was inside the gates this whole time

  6. What are the fines? Might be worth opening anyway! I am shocked that they are doing this to their own business' after what everyone has and is currently going through! This tops it all for Disgraces...

    1. They could also come in and shut you down.

  7. $$$$ for the town coffers shame on the scumbags at the city council.

  8. A true beginning of the end . It was a great ride while it lasted , good luck people enjoy your socialist society.

  9. M ore importantly...JAKIE got his deployment orders for the National Guard!!!!

  10. Sounds like OC is now a province of Russia.

  11. Ridiculous and unfair.

  12. 2:45, $5,000.00 and 1 year in jail.

    1. Yeah, they let convicted criminals out to make room for somebody trying to make an honest living. Something's got to change soon, the lid on the pressure cooker is about to blow.

  13. I wish all owners the very best.
    I also want to say that there is absolutely no future in this tiny town for people that bad-mouth the powers. Government officials around here have long memories. They don't forget.
    It is best to take the high road - just say yes and smile.
    With the exception of very few, many of the most successful bar and restaurant owners have done this and get results.
    Ocean City is more of a business - a corporate entity - than it is a democracy.
    There's nothing wrong with that. Most of us are here to make money on the vacationers ("customers").
    With that in mind, you don't make the boss look bad and expect to get any sort of positive results.
    I think Joe will back me up on this.

  14. Thanks Joe! Never mind that idea then. There is just absolutely no excuse they are just truly horrible, greedy, evil representatives of their areas. I hope their names are shamed all over the Mainstream Media for these actions. Hopefully no one will ever forget.

  15. I plan not to visit.
    And we will be bored this weekend with nothing to do. But I cannot support these actions by government

  16. So all of these OC restaurants posting all over FB that they will be open Friday at 5pm, are we to assume they already have appointments for these inspections and have their permit? Do the restaurants in their click get everything before some small place that is not in the click?

  17. And to receive this new permit there is a $25 filing fee and $30 administration fee, then a $20 recording fee, then the actual paper permit to place in the window is $5.00.

    This would be normal for OC !!!

  18. Close Down / Lock Down Ocean city & ALL beaches for 2020 !!!!

    The POTUS has to give the Order because the underlings can't be trusted to fight their way Out of a paper bag !!!

    Before these idiots Infect all of DelMarVa & More !!!

  19. What a bunch of POS rember this when it time to vote.

  20. Hey America, FYI...there's LOTS of more accommodating cities than OC for you to go and enjoy with your families. Yeah, OC is open,and you can go, but they're certainly NOT very inviting. It seems ad though ideally, they'd prefer you just come, leave your money at tje Chamber of Commerce, and GO HOME! ...just saying.

  21. I have tried to warn every red-blooded American to stay the heck out of OC. The citizens are slaves to the mu icipal system - and as you can easily see - they have a license to steal.

  22. Is there a Bar and Restaurant Assn? It seems to me that pooling resources with a legal challenge would be appropriate. If there is not one, it may be a good time to start one.

  23. @realDonaldTrump can you please have Hogan and the others carted off to jail now?

  24. The state and local officials have hired 13 extra staff to patrol OC restaurants from Berlin to rehobeth. I know...I'm one of them. 1st is written warning, next is citation, next $250 fine, 3rd is $5,000 and loss of licenses. All places will be checked minimum 3 times per day. They are rotating us every few hours. Dont be stupid people...follow the guidelines and inside 2 weeks insides will be open and alot of restrictions lifted.

    1. Not enough resources to check every restaurant 3 times a day

    2. Remember not all locations have permits to have outside seating and even the ones that do normally have outside seating still need the new permits. Some very well known establishments will be getting their warnings tomorrow night around 5:01pm and promptly closed until they apply like everyone else.

    3. Yes there is. I worked down there for well over a decade - and they'll gladly spend $50,000 in order to collect $5000. Believe me, I have seen them do it.

  25. Lock down until 2022. Wear mask for social media and cameras that is it.

  26. Read the press releases. There are no fees with this approval process

  27. I sat IN a bar in OC all day today and nobody said a thing.At least 25 other people were in there with me.I thought the ban had been lifted.We ate,we drank,and we had a great time.I had no idea this was such an issue.

  28. 9:03 they are depending on tattle tales.

  29. I will not visit the Town of OC at all this year. I have been saying for years West OC is where it is at. Nothing over the bridge I need. All the good bars and restaurants are in West OC.

  30. There are certain dock bars that have been open with patrons shoulder to shoulder, crowded and having a grand old time. How is it they have been doing this for awhile but everyone else is still having to jump through all of these new hoops?
    And how is it during the lockdown that anyone that didn't have an island address for OC were not allowed to go walk on the beach or boardwalk, but now everyone in WOC is now part of the OC rules and restrictions? Is it because when you give some people a little power it goes straight to their head? Inquiring minds want to know!

  31. so, 4:31's BEST recommendation is "lower your head, don't look anyone in the eyes, and shuffle along, mumbling yassa, massa, yassa."

    Sheep are everywhere. He just wants his money and if has to take it while on his knees, well, it IS money. He is willing to give up EVERYONE'S rights, as long as there is money in it for him. Money. And sheep.

    Sooner or later, history proves, we will answer their orders and edicts by chambering a round and saying, "I don't think so".
    And the hanging will begin.

    Long overdue, too.

    Keep cheering.

  32. 810 - with us locals, its called the OC Circle.

    Those in the circle..well, get what they want WHEN they want it.

  33. Man o man ..Thanks for sooo many laughs form all These Post ! I even had a good laugh when girdletree Unloaded !!

  34. 8:12AM...
    You call it "money". I call it "a livelihood".

    My point was: It is small-town politics, like it or not.
    If you don't like it, don't play. If you think you are going to change decades and decades of OC's mindset by bad-mouthing the Town, then keep your bags packed and open elsewhere.
    Play the game and all will be fine.
    The owner that I refer to is an OK guy. I like his restaurant. But he is always complaining about simple situations that are easily rectified. But since he complains publicly, he just makes it tougher on himself.
    Ask someone who knows what happened when Hammerjacks decided to open in this town. They bitched about everything. You didn't see them open, did you? You never will.
    It is as simple as knowing which side of the bread has the butter.


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