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Thursday, May 28, 2020

All Laws Must Comply With the Constitution or They Are Void

AIM4Truther Mike N. wants all patriots to be aware of this information about the courts and constitution. We have included his entire note to us so that no details are missed:

In today’s (3/26/18) “My Bad” video/audio with Thomas, you stated that, “They’ve taken away all our Constitutional rights in these things [the agreements so vast they know we’re not going to read them].”

I don’t know if you’ve looked at the 8-page document I emailed to you a few weeks ago entitled, Non-authority of the Feds, which you said you passed on to the Conclave. So, I’ve attached another copy of it which I hope you will go through.

I doubt that any lawyers on your teams will agree with what I’m presenting to you, but they’re B.A.R. members and would be ostracized for straying from official and accepted doctrine.

First of all, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in several different decisions from the past that Congress has no exclusive jurisdiction over us unless we live in Washington, D.C., federally-owned lands, buildings, forts, etc., and the U.S. territories. FEDERAL STATUTES and REGULATIONS have no lawful applicability and effect on the citizens of the states. In fact, the U.S. Constitution has no effect on us, either, unless we’ve sworn and subscribed an oath of allegiance to it.

Of course, all those employed in the 3 branches of government have (purportedly) sworn that oath and are bound by it. The ONLY power/authority/jurisdiction that the Constitution gives to the federal government is enumerated in Article 1, Section 8 – the Congress to enact legislation in pursuance of those enumerated responsibilities, the President to execute that legislation, and the judiciary to arbitrate disagreements that arise over those responsibilities.

It’s all a ruse. There are no courts of law anymore – merely administrative courts that have no lawful power to prosecute and punish. The U.S. Supreme Court was put in place only to arbitrate disagreements between states and to serve as the ultimate appeals court. Decisions made by the U.S. Supreme Court have applicability and effect ONLY upon the two litigants in a case – the plaintiff and the defendant – NOT the whole stinkin’ country!



  1. Clearly we know that but the politicians and cops don't seem to give two shits though... Laws are nothing without someone to enforce it...

  2. I am glad someone spells it out here but this will fly over most peoples heads as they are just to stupid!!!! Then the rest of that mix will be the ones who just don't care... Both dangerous and the reason why where are in the mess we are... No one will change it so either shut the fuck up over this rights and law bullshit or do something about it!!! complaining and running your mouth, posting on some blog clearly has not fix a damn thing, and as someone smart said, you are crazy to think if you keep doing the same thing, you will get different results!!!!

  3. Unless , you are a Democrat in Congress , where they make their Own
    Rules !!!! Until this is Changed !!!

  4. All that sounds good, and we all fly our Gadston flags, and quote 2nd amendment phrases, and call up conservative radio hosts, and tell them how patriotic we are, yet i question how many TRULY call, email their respected elected officials. I question how many are TRULY active in their "local" political groups. I question how many do anything more than quote the talking points of their favorite right wing radio hosts to their friends, so they sound as if the're really in the know. How many are actually out working with patriotic/conservative groups, handing out literature, fliers, or working with conservative voter groups. I wonder this, because, as a Constititional conservative, independent, i DO get involved, and more & more, when trying to get other conservative's involved that have LOTS to say " to me", it always seems their motivation stops once the're asked "Would you be willing to do fliers for us, cold calls, work the table at events" etc. The usual response is "Well, its not gonna matter anyway" or "I can't...because"....The progressives on the other hand are MUCH MORE willing to step up and put skin in the game! So until more of our conservative citizens grow a pair, and are willing to get in the trenches, and REALLY PRESS our elected officials, its really a mute point what the Constitution says, because UNLESS we DEMAND accountability from our officials, nothing will change! We can talk about it amongst folks that agree with us till wr're blue in the face, but NOTHING will ever get accomplished, until we're more willing to be out in public and trying to talk to those that DISAGREE with us! God Bless America!

  5. This is what i have been saying we have allowed luciferians..i.e mason, illuminati to infiltrate the government. The state swamp whatever you call it are voices not of GOD. This country WILL not survive under these luciferian influences.

  6. And what are you going to do about it? People have no power (not as much as we think or want). Look at the Patriot Act. It goes against the gathering of evidence without a warrant, but we've accepted that. The government spies on us every...single...day gathering intel to use against us at any moment.

    1. Nothing patriotic about the patriot act. It was an end around on the constitution and should be killed during next time its up for approval. Another deep state document that was sitting on the shelf waiting for the right time to apply. Cant fix illegals problem that fast..but dam sure have a bill ready to remove our freedoms.like the terrorist clinton bill, bushes patriot act, obamas obama care..hillary was needed to continue, but now trumps gumming up the gears. The virus like i said from day one. Is collusion between democrats and china..but hey the lies are unraveling on that too. So now its not a virus??

  7. During Emergency Govt CAN put the Constitution on HOLD !! Fact

    You really then, have No Rights ! Marshall Law would show that more !

    1. 12:48 Thats what the 2A for fool. Marshall law needs to be applied during riots. Not constutional voilations being enforced

  8. I think that the best we can do now is to spread the truth & WAKE EVERYONE UP. Some good sources on YouTube are: corbettreport, aplanetruth 4u, highimpactvlogs, a call for an uprising, RichieFromBoston, RFB II, & Mike Morales. NOT CONSPIRACY, JUST TRUTHS straight from original, official sources

  9. we the people still have a voice so use it...lay on your bed and squawk, sit on your bed and talk or rise up and walk!!! no more excuses; don't give up; never give up!!!


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