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Friday, May 22, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Zoo Director Selection

Would be nice to do a public information request to see if any candidates with actual zoological qualifications were considered (or even applied). Likely a small pool of candidates based on the lack of accreditation. You’d think running a zoo would require at least a bare minimum of animal husbandry or biology experience. But, I’m just a standard issue taxpayer, so what do I know.


  1. Now Wait a minute! Ocean City has done this for years.You have an opening, find out if any current employees have relatives who are available, advertise it, and award to the closest relative. That is the challenge that the NEW OC HR faces. And now for former HR person retires on a guaranteed pension and never has to justify why any candidate wasn't "selected" over anyone else

    I give her a year before she quits.

  2. I want to apply for the zookeeper job. My qualifications are 1- I like dogs and 2- I like to eat animal meats. yum yum.

  3. At the minimum a Master's in wild life biology, zoology or animal science. A PhD would be best though. Shows seriousness in doing what is best for the animals housed in the zoo. They don't deserve any less and can't speak for themselves so it's up to those who are doing the hiring to make sure someone has the proper credentials.

  4. What the heck does Salisbury need an employee with these skills for?. Isn't it covered by Annnapolis?

  5. I saw on the news and the woman is totally without any doubts not one bit qualified. if she cared about the zoo and it's 'residents' she would not accept. It's a very sad day when those animals who have no say are being overseen by what the news described as an "educator" and not someone with the proper credentials and resume for this job. Shame on Day and shame to her, From 47
    "Dillon, who is a South Carolina native, was working as an educator when she came to Delmarva in 2007, when she took on community outreach for the Chesapeake Girl Scout Council. In 2008, she decided to return to her love of education and was hired as the zoo’s Education Curator, which was a position she held until her appointment as Interim Director. Dillon also taught art to children in grades K through 6, and coordinated family and community programs, as well as managing education programs for the EdVenture Children’s Museum in Columbia, SC."

  6. Well what do you think about Kim Nock being appointed the Director of the Humane Society and she has absolutely NO experience running a humane society or a business. Kim was nothing more than a volunteer at the Humane Society and they gave her a job. I think that is just as bad or worse than the Board of Directors hiring David Fitzgerald as their President/CEO/Director. I don't think they even advertized for that position.

    So what's wrong with that picture?

  7. Ditto at PRMC. Just check the resumes of several top brass employees. Experience apparently was not a qualification.

  8. “ What the heck does Salisbury need an employee with these skills for?. Isn't it covered by Annnapolis?”

    To keep Nepotism alive!

  9. Just close that sad roadside menagerie of a Zoo. It's been depressing for years. No fun having to explain to your concerned grandchild why the animal is limping or has big sores or just standing staring at nothing.


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