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Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Speed Cameras-School Zones


Why hasn’t Salisbury City turned off the speed cameras in school zones? Their justification for the cameras was “student safety”? They even justified leaving them on at night and on weekends because students had sporting events that required them to be on campus. They justified leaving them on during summer due to children attending summer school. However, since school closed on March 15th, there are no students on campus AT ALL. There are no sporting events, there will be no summer school on campus and there is no student foot traffic at all. The argument and justification of “student safety” does not apply. Every speed camera citation that has been issued since March 15th should not be valid since their justification no longer applies. I may be mistaken but, I believe, the law allows it for “student safety”. If so, with the current events, the cameras are outside of the scope of the law. The city should be required to turn them off until students are permitted to return.


  1. They do & will need the revenue!!..do we need to pay teachers? BOE bloated admin cost? (come on we all know where most of the money dissapears from). Less police?.no bussinesses open less! speeders? Less drivers on road. We can go in and on about the savings we could reap from this ..dump the dead weight..LESS TAXES HOORAY!!!
    yeh right fat chance. How much you wanna bet they cry for more.

    1. Are you mad bruh? Lol! Like wth are you even talking about? Your comment makes zero sense 😂

  2. Smugglers blues.

  3. They used that BS excuse, but, they are nothing more than an easy money maker for the city and they'll never be turned off.

  4. Put tin foil in your grill and trunk cameras will not get a clear picture of license plates. I’ve done it for several years. Fact.

    1. Probably used to be true.
      Not now. They use the state of art cameras. They are making big dollars from these machines so they will get your tag!

  5. You think they care about the law? No these people do not care about the law. They are there to tax us simple as that. Come on.

  6. Voice of Right, ESQMay 29, 2020 at 11:16 PM

    The cameras are on because they get their cup of blood everytime a potential violator is collared. The standard motor vehicle citation is written by the officer on the stop and the revenue is mailed to the District Court of Md. at Annapolis. If one chooses to plead guilty the locals don't get a cut other than scattered money the State kicks back thru Highway maintenance funds, or Federal Highway use taxes.
    When these hold-up cameras tag you, the City,County,etc., gets a share of the take even before the case is adjudicated. So does the camera scalpers. When you get one of these 'citations' take it to Court because I have first hand knowledge that the Judges don't really care for this type of law enforcement. If you aren't a habitual offender and don't lie about the specifics of your driver record, then most of the time you'll walk $85.00 to the good. When you don't do this you help finance Jake Day and various other unsavory characters both City and County.This money is not earmarked for any purpose integral to the schools. The police chief 'wanna be' at Pittsville talked the Town Council into this at the Elementary School. Now the town is cleaning up yet most of the citizenry regard the whole kit and caboodle as assholes,rightly so.
    Do two things, 1. Slow down, 2. Remember this when you vote, City or County.

  7. I thought the same thing in when I got a ticket going through at off-hour in mid-July last year.

  8. How dare you ask why?

    (snicker snicker)

  9. Look no further than the idiots in charge of salisbury government. I believe this would fall, like most of salisbury's eyesores with the incompetence of famed ass kisser Tom Stevenson and his inability to carry out day to day functions of "director of field Operations". They just can't hide this moron anywhere

  10. Good point. The contract with the company must have a paragraph that describes this situation.

  11. You know it was always about the money and the scape goat is it’s for kids safety.

  12. Oh, gosh darn, you thought they were for student safety? Laughing out loud! It's a cash cow, dummy! Why abandon a perfectly good cash cow over a few safety concerns?

  13. The ONLY way to get this stopped is by a law suite . But. The city really needs their 10% of the take..

    1. Well I hope you don’t write the SUIT!

  14. fools this was never about safety. it has always been about secure safe money coming in. not safe children

  15. There is an easy solution to this just by a blocker. Its a plastic shield that covers your tag embedded with metal specs that blind the camera . Cost about 20-$30.Since installing these on my trucks I have had no tickets. I have run a few on purpose and observed the flash of the camera. I can only imagine how pissed they are when they see a white blotched out tag and a TRUMP 2020 sticker--LOL

  16. The school safety was just an excuse.

    The jurisdiction is Statutory Law

    1. that Camera brings in 10,000 a year I was told

  17. Not to sound too out there, but can't you just slow down. It doesn't even register until you're going what 8-10 over? And it's been there for years. Not like this is a new thing.

  18. Is it me or are there 2 new ones on Eastern Shore Drive, one on each side close to HALO? Is that a school zone?

  19. 1002 excellent comment

  20. Black contractor trash bags will take care of the problem daily.

  21. Get it straight people. The government is for the government and not for the people that pay them.

  22. Simply a money grab - taste of socialism ... like it? hummmmmmmm?

  23. In Fruitland, most of the cvameras aren't even in eyeshot of the schools

  24. Either go to speed limit or go around. Simple solution.

  25. I find vasoline at 2 am on the lense helpful.

  26. Take that ticket to court and see how far you get. If the camera caught you speeding, you will get both the fine AND court costs. Just because the school is closed, isn't an excuse to blow by the cameras. That's just stupid. I guess some people would rather learn the hard way. And yes, the courts have already allowed the cameras to be used during non school hours and days.

  27. I find vasoline at 2 am on the lense helpful.

    May 30, 2020 at 8:53 PM:

    Make sure to smile when you do it. It WILL take your picture.

  28. Don’t speed and you don’t have to worry about it.

  29. Speed cameras are a tax


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