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Saturday, May 02, 2020

A Viewer Writes: OPA payroll loan coronavirus-19


So we now are to believe Homeowners Associations are businesses? Let me try to get this right. OPA employees laid off due to the virus can collect unemployment plus $600 per week as well as collect a paycheck from tha association? At least that apparently is what this article is insinuating. The OPA gets a forgivable payroll loan to cover pay checks for employees laid off from the OPA Homeowners Association, which evidently is a for profit business(?). So they are able to collect $1.1 million of our tax dollars to cover laid off employees, which are eligible for unemployment benefits plus $600 per week! Am I missing something?


  1. Disgusting!! Meanwhile, real Small businesses are still waiting!! 28 days and counting!

  2. someone did the math and it came to each employee making 71K a year or others are making a whopping salary

  3. What the,could my cat be an LLC partner?

  4. Yea--there are a whole lot of issues with the way the ppp and the supplemental unemployment was rolled out. In their effort to speed money to consumers, some really bad decisions were made. The extra $600 on top of unemployment was totally unneeded because they sent everyone $1200.

    All this is going to cause workers to use the virus excuse to stay home and collect more money than they would make working. It is very unfortunate.

    And on the topic, a homeowners association certainly should not get ppp. Joe, start a petition right here on SBYNews to shame them into giving it back. They certainly should be ashamed for even applying for this program.

    1. 9:12 you're correct! I'm retired and I have a loved one who is is on disability (and is actually disabled...go figure), They haven't lost their disability, they still get their check, and there are millions of others, and millions of orhetvfolks still working, still getting paid, yet they're getting checks too! I'm retired and have a retirement, why am I getting money? They're sending such a WRONG message to our people. Of course anyone that's actually lost their job, or had payroll cutbacks SHOULD receive help, but to just this we'd money THAT WE DONT HAVE around like ticker tape is ridiculous! Now, the IRS just realized that THOUSANDS of foreign workers are getting checks due to an error in our payment system. Once again, this just shows what happens when our powers that be (ALL of them) go onto panic mode, because of this being election year!

  5. This is not allowed. HOA's condo association, co-ops are not permitted to get the loans. There was some confusion at first. They must return every cent.

  6. Home owners associations are nothing more than "last chances" for wanna be "Lords and Kings" looking for power, but couldnt make the cut in politics! They obsess over scrutinizing any possible viations a homeowner may attempt, while they themselves break the same ordinances. Tree regs, home color regs, fence regs, they decide if you're vehicles are unapproved, etc. They get the first taste of this "kiddie league" power and it makes them feel like lil "Kim Jong's" We experienced it in Ocean Pines. A fee for everything, forced to pay for a yacht club you dont even use, and here they go. Since they can't squeeze the home owners any more, let's just go soak the tax payer...no thanks!

  7. Nothing more than a theft scheme and there isnt an honest badge in the whole county to do the right thing. Do bank robbers just get to return the money when they get caught?

  8. The OPA's main source of income is from association dues so where is the short fall for employees? Due to the virus an awful lot of people must not be able to pay thse fees I am guessing. So they need to do what they are best at collecting them...for close and sell the properties! They actually own them anyhow! Think about it, they can foreclose on a home faster than any bank could...ever!!

  9. There was much confusion at first if HOA's, condo associations, etc were eligible. Turns out they are NOT.

    Now that it has become clear that the Paycheck Protection Program is not available to these community associations and there aren’t a lot of other programs out there right now, boards need to focus on making sure common charges and rent are paid and that collections are pursued."

    This from Colbert Law out of NY and CT posted on April 13th 2020

    There is quite a lot of info about this issue on attorney blogs also.

  10. 10:24 as a fellow Ocean Piner you made my day!!!! Everything you said was true and it brought a smile to my face!

  11. https://egov.maryland.gov/BusinessExpress/EntitySearch/BusinessInformation/D00323212

  12. HOAs are a pain in the ass to start with.All they do is intrude in other peoples business

  13. Damn right they are.....look what they bill monthly to live on top of each other in the “Pines”!!!!!!! LOL


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