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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Dear Governor Hogan

Dear Larry Hogan,

Well, since Freedom doesn't make your subject list, “Health" will have to do. Coming home from Wal Mart out here on the Eastern Shore, my biggest obstacle is weaving through all those pesky ambulances on my block parked while taking all the dead bodies of Covid 19 victims out of their houses. It must be like that in your neighborhood as well, right? I am a grown up adult with First Amendment rights to assemble guaranteed to me by the 10th Amendment which prohibits the States from infringing on those rights, given to us by God, not government. I decide every day what the price on my life is and take risk accordingly.

We, together as Citizens, voluntarily wore masks, social distanced and reduced travel in order to flatten the curve. The goal was accomplished, hospitals were never overwhelmed and the mission was accomplished. Jailing us for trying to feed ourselves and our families is a crime against Humanity and completely unconstitutional. Open Maryland up for business, like the slogan you ran for office on.

We are 68 days into a 14 day lockdown.


  1. Exactly. Walmart would be ground zero for deaths if this virus was as dangerous as the liberals touted it to be. Masks weren’t worn for weeks and now we know that masks don’t even work unless it is a fitted N95.

  2. Great summary of the current situation, thank you

  3. Amen. I have written him as well along with my county executive. PG is still in lockdown and there are those flashing road signs making sure we remember it. We did what we were supposed to do - now it's time to get back to business.
    And oh by the way, I hope I make every liberal around me cringe when I get my custom made Trump 2020 mask. I detest wearing them but this one might be worth it.

  4. Exactly 12:42. The decision to shut down all retail was short sighted, irrational and showed a lack of any forward thinking skills on the part of Hogan. 1/2 the people in a store like Walmart weren't there to buy "essential" items. Some were there clothes shopping, shoe shopping etc. Someone I talked to bought a TV stand and said they really needed it and would have preferred going to a furniture store where the selection was bigger AND people weren't on top of each other BUT since furniture stores were CLOSED they came to Walmart. If the other stores had been opened it would have eased up on the crowds in there. Some people like myself don't like Walmart. The place gives me a headache and I've only been in one not even 5 times in my life and 4 were in the past 2 months. I wanted some makeup one time. It was 4 deep. Now if Ulta was open during the week there is like 5 people in the store most of the time. The Governor put people in extreme danger and caused people to get sick and probably die because he is not a good decision maker at all

  5. This is NOT about Covid-19!!! It's about the upcoming election and taking down Trump. period!!!

  6. 4:28 You know I have had a hinky feeling since the beginning of this whole ordeal that it was somehow orchestrated by the democrats. Many are on the dole from China so it wouldn't be a stretch.
    Just sayin'

  7. Well said. And the curve went down and really will they prove in time that this virus was worse than all the others? We are Americans and need to work to provide for our families and our country. Hogan just goes along with what he thinks and which ever way the wind is blowing that week from the media. He is Jake's fat twin it is all about "ME" and approval from the media, he wants attention not what the people want or what the country needs. He has to have been a Mama's boy sure acts spoiled and entitled.

  8. 4:28pm, Bingo!!

  9. Shopping at Walmart shows the writer's IQ score.

  10. Hogan, aka Hitler, has found the power to control people and will not give it up. Why is there no reporting on how much Federal tax dollars his 44+ LLC's are collecting during his socialist lockdown? How come nobody is reporting / concerned about his 9 million plus spending of MD tax dollars for unused test kits from his wife's home country Korea.

  11. Cases still not leveling off.
    Admittance to acute care up 53.
    Not going to open up with those stats.
    People seem willing to die rather than do the right thing.
    Listen to J. F. Kennedy's speech about the Cuban crisis.
    It would take months of sacrifices. But with time, we would endure.
    If your under 50 you don't understand that any longer. And probably never heard of J.F.K.

  12. Sorry 4:28, you are wrong.
    The elites already control both political parties.
    The parties are for controlling us so we don’t focus on them (elites).

    The elites finance the campaigns and operate the Central Banks.

    The virus is cover story for the necessary financial reset. In the fall 2019 the Fed was creating $300 Billion each night to prop up the Repo Market (short term lending market). The interest rates were ready to explode because there was no capital (cash) available to lend. The US Dollar was hyper-inflating per Jim Richards.

    The financial monetary collapse was happening.
    One of the two big militaries is holding the world hostage with the antidote for the weapon. Meanwhile the global economy must be reopened VERY SLOWLY to prevent the hyper-inflation again. If that happens it will be necessary to release more virus in the fall (second wave).

    Get it?

  13. It is difficult to make the tough decisions. Glad someone is looking out for our PUBLIC HEALTH

  14. Boss Hogg runs the state of Merryland !!! Hazard County

    Uncle Jesse / Daisy Duke / Duke boys / Rosco P Coletrain /

    General Lee !!!!


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