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Saturday, May 02, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Covid Chart

Chart from CDC where they separated the flu like deaths such as influenza and only those who died from COVID,
not what MSN has been reporting all along. 11,000 not 51,000 as they say!
This chart came direct from CDC website.


  1. Put up the updated chart.That's 3 weeks old. You'll find it vastly different now.
    That's not relevant any longer, what you've posted.

  2. CDC updates everything extremely slowly. They used to be the only place counting deaths, but once the virus started spreading the county health departments took over. The data from the cdc takes almost a week to get updated. The chart is also half a month old.

  3. MSM hoodwinking us??!

    1. They would never do that, if course

  4. It also states that it is 2 weeks behind

  5. Letter to the Editor

    I am the Admin to several Facebook pages and I keep getting these stupid "Invites" to the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce group called "Delmarva Eats." I don't want to join this group and I don't like Bill Chambers, President/CEO of the Chamber. I don't need them and it is nothing but a special interest group that is trying to control the City of Salisbury and Wicomico County

    Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce / ************ to the group, Delmarva Eats.
    Invitation expires in about 3 weeks.
    Decline - Join Group

    I declined the invitation and this is what pops up.

    Decline Invitation?
    Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce / Salisbury, MD won't be notified that you declined. You'll no longer be able to join the group using this invitation, but you can still request to join at any time.


    ☑️ Prevent members from adding or inviting you again

    Back - Decline
    Then when I click the hit the "☑️ Prevent members from adding or inviting you again" I get this Bull$hit notice below.

    Unable to change user setting
    You don't have permission to change this user setting.


    Does anyone know how I can prevent Bill Chambers and the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce from constantly harassing me and bombarding me with their SPAM?

    1. 12:57
      You are on the wrong thread / topic


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