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Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Statement From Police Chief Barbara Duncan



  1. I always have to STRAIN to hear what she's saying...too frustrating to try to watch with the crappy audio :(

  2. I demand everyone to be fired

    1. Its almost time. The time is coming.

  3. NO NO NO Duncan you are trying to have it Both ways.

  4. We the people want a DOJ Investigation into her and her department.

  5. Let's see stealing , lying , now officer assaults Duncan has too Go.

  6. Amazing crickets for fake Jake day.

    1. Jake has a lot aof Splaining too do 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

  7. Protest the police station Now.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. HAts off to the Officer for restraint. Perp should have been tazed till he wet himself.

  10. NO justice No peace I sure hope there isn't riots in DA BURY.

  11. With the beastie boys in the background.

  12. Fire the officer and resign Duncan or this is just the beginning of Mass Protests.

  13. Ohhhhh. Jake you better fire Duncan or you ain't seen nutin yet.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️

    2. Fire her for what?? Because you say so?? This cop showed a lot of composer. I would have beat that POS from the get go. You and the rest of the burrbillies are stuck on stupid.

    3. Ditto....the officer did great and was calm in the air with CO

  14. I am calling CNN.

    1. Why Clinton News Network? That crowd is worst than any PD

  15. I’m SHOCKED she commented negatively on another department knowing the investigation isn’t over. Her own department teaches knee on the neck to gain control. Wake up call to all cops that work for her she will burn you if needed. Yikes

    1. Knee on the neck Really WOW

  16. 🚨🚨🚨 Everyone send the video to the Media and post on FB N TWITTER Tut Tut Jake n Barb's.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

  17. What a thug. The officer asked a yes or no question and the thug wouldn't' answer. His mother needs a foot jammed up her butt for raising this. Animals do a better job then the trash she is.

  18. Barbara will bring extra pizza to thugsville lol.

  19. I agree 4:09. He is going to amount to nothing in life. He is ether going to end up dead from a bullet from another thug or a number in the prison system and his family best accept that now The only good he will serve is to give funeral home business or keep prison officials employed. That anyone can bet on.

  20. Barbara and Jake shaking in a tree 😂😂😂😂

  21. Jakey boy where warned to fire Duncan so now your gonna pay 💪

  22. This video shows the trash that resides in Salisbury. No wonder no one wants to live there anymore. All them young kids need a good ol ass beating. We used to get talked to by the cops and we would answer questions and move on. Once he realized his ghetto homies was recording he started act up.

    1. Can I grab you're kid by da throat in Danbury.

    2. Grab yourself first bright light.

    3. 6:26 Should have put a knee to his neck with that mouth. You will be seeing more of the little punk.

  23. People are blasting this on Twitter lol ✋✋ Duncan.

    1. Duncan isn't going anywhere. EVERYTIME something happens. You freaking lowlifes come out of the woodwork. She should leave. You freaking MORON'S don't deserve an educated City servant. Who's going to take her spot?? Some BLACK from the hood?? Then watch all you armchair reporter's BITCH.

  24. Barb did a horrible job of reading word for word and the audio was just as horrible.

    1. Done on PURPOSE.

    2. I heard it just fine. I guess when you don't hear want you want. You say you can't hear it. It's bad audio. LMAO.

  25. Babs is so stupid she started off commenting on the Minneapolis incident and she didn't even know Floyd's name, she called him Greg Floyd. Babs, he goes by George Floyd.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Let's see stealing , lying , now officer assaults Duncan has too Go.

    May 29, 2020 at 4:07 PM

    This officer didn't assault anyone. When you are detained you do as you are told.

    1. Post ur name so I can grab ur kid by the chicken throat.

  27. This is the exact nasty animal that our school children and teachers have to be around day in and day out. Nasty rabid at the mouth animal
    Animals must be broken before they can be made whole.
    Throw the book at him and keep him away from our children. You cant throw pizza at this garbage Duncan.

    Obviously babymomma is posting here hard as she can, shes really the one to blame for trash like this running wild in our streets.

  28. "He dit ent do nuffin" "He dit ent do nuffin"

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Anonymous said...
    I’m SHOCKED she commented negatively on another department knowing the investigation isn’t over. Her own department teaches knee on the neck to gain control. Wake up call to all cops that work for her she will burn you if needed. Yikes

    May 29, 2020 at 4:15 PM

    She was doing what Jake Day told her to do. Yes this should be a wake up call for all police officers that she will throw you under the bus in a heart beat.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Fire the officer and resign Duncan or this is just the beginning of Mass Protests.

    May 29, 2020 at 4:11 PM

    Fire the officer for what? Duncan should have left a long time ago. You are an idiot to incite a riot on here.

  32. Anonymous said...
    With the beastie boys in the background.

    May 29, 2020 at 4:11 PM

    Try Led Zepplin!

  33. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    HAts off to the Officer for restraint. Perp should have been tazed till he wet himself.

    May 29, 2020 at 4:09 PM

    I was hoping the thug would get tazed and his mammy and his buddies get pepper sprayed.

  34. Clearly the contact was to keep the perp from escaping or harming himself or the officer. But seriously, stop touching and start tazing these animals until their invalids.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Jake has a lot aof Splaining too do 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

    May 29, 2020 at 4:14 PM

    Don't worry, acting mare Julia Glanz will handle it.

  36. My children have been taught to be respectful of the police. My oldest son was stopped by police in VA beach while walking home from the store. He was wearing a hoodie, saggy pants and has piercings. The officer said he fit the description of a robbery suspect they were looking for. He was handcuffed and put in the back of the police car. He was respectful to the officer. It didn’t help that he didn’t have his ID. Luckily, my son is a good neighbor and had been kind and helpful to his elderly neighbor. When she walked past the police car and saw what was going on she spoke with the officer and provided confirmation of my son’s address and name. He was released, but was within about 30 seconds of ending up at the police station.
    You see, I described this situation without name calling or throwing the F bomb.
    Thuggish behavior isn’t okay. Are their mom’s proud of the way they spoke to police?
    The murderer of Mr Floyd and the officers who let it happen should all be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They should be sentenced as severely as possible because they also abused the power of authority they possess. Our law enforcement officers need to be beyond reproach. Corruption must be weeded out, but in the video shown here, young people (White, black, brown, whatever the color of their skin) must be accountable for disrespect and lawless behavior. It appears that they brought the problem on themselves by disrespecting a neighbor’s property.

    1. That was me and your son was a punk.

    2. He was a kid. A respectful and honest kid who thought people shouldn’t be judged by their appearance. He didn’t cause anyone any trouble. I’m not complaining that the officer stopped and questioned him. It was just an observation about respect. The kids in this video are foul-mouthed thugs. I guess that was over your head.

  37. Disorderly Conduct is a ridiculous catch-all charge that allows the officer to just arrest on discretion. 4:09, I bet if it was a Constitutionalist at a DUI stop not trying to show ID you wouldn't be so negative.

  38. Man where is the K9?

  39. Thats why I'm not a police officer. Smart ass punk would have been punched in the throat and then slapped on his forehead for good measure. Hats off to the officer.

  40. She is chirping crickets herself. She along with Day need to be impeached. No military deployment for Jake it just will never happen he just wants to get away in case ex-wife's trial is on dockets anytime soon. He doesn't want to have to deal with that, no doting husband here just a phony marriage that went south and they have resided in separate houses for sometime. Even if the charges were false he never stands up for anyone but himself. Duncan you need to either look for another job out of this area or be removed so Chief Hug a Thug it's over.

  41. I say arrest his mother and baby daddy for breeding this human garbage! I give this police officer a lot of credit for using restraint.
    When I was a police officer back in the eighties, they beat them with a knight stick or a mace. They learned respect real fast after good beating.

    This is a good example why I kept my kids out of the public ghetto school system.

    Looking forward to the coming race war when all restraints are off!

    1. So are we. Good thing you raised a bunch of fruit cakes. While we lived with nothing and came from nothing you were protected by mommy and daddy money. Now your to old to catch me with your wife. When the restraints come off. You wont survive long.

  42. I hear they are organizing a major protest at the police station bring your cameras.

  43. Very very sad. This is not the Salisbury that was once a great place to live and work. This element needs to be dealt with properly. They have ruined this town and the surrounding area. Unfortunately after the cancer metastasises the only hope is for law abiding citizens is to move far away from the ghetto slumlord trash.

    1. Not before a bunch of them are put down.

  44. You LOOT we SHOOT.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫

  45. Why they areestin that valadictorian?

  46. I dont see any problem with the police. That kid acted like trash and got treated like trash

  47. but there is no crime in the bury. So how can this be?

  48. I don’t see how the police officer did anything wrong...although I did see how ignorant the kid, his friends and his mother behaved. If anything I give props to the officer for his restraint. Bottom line is that when you don’t follow an officer’s instructions you’re just asking for trouble. Kid should have given his ID and been respectful and he could have gone about his day. It’s a shame that kids are raised to be so rude and nasty.

  49. the mother must be real proud of the garbage that she has raised. like mother, like son. garbage.

  50. 624pm...your lucky thats all your child got. This is ALL your fault, you chose to teach/allow your spawn to disrespect everyone and everything. Your choice, your fault. Break him and teach him right from wrong before its too late.

  51. Wow. Trash breeds trash.

    1. She looks like white trash.

    2. 8:19 I saw black and white trash🤷‍♀️

  52. Corruption runs from the top down at Spd. Kolb and kaiser should be in jail over the evidence coverup as well as all the other times they have played their dirty politics games. There is absolutely no integrity left in that department.

  53. the problem is this type of behavior has been made to be ok, Every officer in the city should resign and let the thugs all have at each other. Babs and the boi mare along with glantz should all be resigning. They let this happen. With their attitude of "There is no crime in da bury" pack your stuff and sell all and get out while you still can. It's only going to get worse. Vanessa

  54. Ahhh the ol disorderly conduct charge. I hope the officer has an independent witness whose peace was disturbed or that charge is out the window because an officers peace can’t be disturbed. Other than that i think mom is just looking for a payout.

  55. They are not smart enough to organize a protest. Are you kidding me. Really.

  56. Duncan your pathetic go make your thugs 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕

    1. Excuse me? The police chief made these thugs? Two or three generations of children having children with no respect to authority. I pray for police officers and teachers who have to deal with this day in and day out.

  57. Disgusting. The trash that spawned this thug should be ashamed but of herself but she isn't. She too was raised by trash and not good people They know how to spread them legs and let the thug loser baby daddy hump them but when it comes to raising what they spit out animals do a better job. And then they are so stupid they wonder why they are looked down on You look down on trash Trash is not an equal End of STory.

  58. 5:03 that's an insult to animals. Animals raise their young more civilized then baby momma raised this waste of air. He will end up murdered by one of their own.

  59. What spawned this thug? Names please if anyone even knows who his father is. Love to look their records up on case search. You know hoe baby momma has multiple babies by all different thug baby daddies That's how they roll Their main problem is they haven't had a moral person in their lives ever the ones still alive today. Morals flew out the window with them in them generations ago.

  60. Respect to the officer! That kid deserves to be scared straight! Crazy momma should have been in the cruiser next to her mini!

  61. Anyone charged for not social distancing? What a joke.

  62. She reads off a card worse then Biden. Chief it’s okay to smile and have a personality. Stay in your lane. Be safe.

  63. Anonymous said...
    This is the exact nasty animal that our school children and teachers have to be around day in and day out. Nasty rabid at the mouth animal
    Animals must be broken before they can be made whole.
    Throw the book at him and keep him away from our children. You cant throw pizza at this garbage Duncan.

    Obviously babymomma is posting here hard as she can, shes really the one to blame for trash like this running wild in our streets.

    May 29, 2020 at 5:03 PM

    Guess what, the "child" is a full fledged adult.

  64. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. The name on his berf certificate where it reads parents names:

    Father: UNKNOWN

  66. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  67. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    My children have been taught to be respectful of the police. My oldest son was stopped by police in VA beach while walking home from the store. He was wearing a hoodie, saggy pants and has piercings. The officer said he fit the description of a robbery suspect they were looking for. He was handcuffed and put in the back of the police car. He was respectful to the officer. It didn’t help that he didn’t have his ID. Luckily, my son is a good neighbor and had been kind and helpful to his elderly neighbor. When she walked past the police car and saw what was going on she spoke with the officer and provided confirmation of my son’s address and name. He was released, but was within about 30 seconds of ending up at the police station.
    You see, I described this situation without name calling or throwing the F bomb.
    Thuggish behavior isn’t okay. Are their mom’s proud of the way they spoke to police?
    The murderer of Mr Floyd and the officers who let it happen should all be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They should be sentenced as severely as possible because they also abused the power of authority they possess. Our law enforcement officers need to be beyond reproach. Corruption must be weeded out, but in the video shown here, young people (White, black, brown, whatever the color of their skin) must be accountable for disrespect and lawless behavior. It appears that they brought the problem on themselves by disrespecting a neighbor’s property.

    May 29, 2020 at 5:32 PM

    "The murderer of Mr Floyd"

    Murderer? When was the trial??

    I see you are easily spoonfed to believe what the Leftwing media wants you to believe. You and many other people in this country are too stupid to be Americans. Moronic POS!

  68. Anonymous said...
    Disorderly Conduct is a ridiculous catch-all charge that allows the officer to just arrest on discretion. 4:09, I bet if it was a Constitutionalist at a DUI stop not trying to show ID you wouldn't be so negative.

    May 29, 2020 at 5:35 PM

    I clearly saw disorderly conduct. Get a life you dumb libtard.

  69. Anonymous said...
    Its almost time. The time is coming.

    May 29, 2020 at 5:42 PM

    I'm ready, locked and loaded!

  70. Anonymous said...
    I say arrest his mother and baby daddy for breeding this human garbage! I give this police officer a lot of credit for using restraint.
    When I was a police officer back in the eighties, they beat them with a knight stick or a mace. They learned respect real fast after good beating.

    This is a good example why I kept my kids out of the public ghetto school system.

    Looking forward to the coming race war when all restraints are off!

    May 29, 2020 at 6:20 PM

    "arrest his mother and baby daddy for breeding this human garbage"

    Wait! Do you actually think someone knows who da baby daddy is?

  71. Anonymous said...
    Very very sad. This is not the Salisbury that was once a great place to live and work. This element needs to be dealt with properly. They have ruined this town and the surrounding area. Unfortunately after the cancer metastasises the only hope is for law abiding citizens is to move far away from the ghetto slumlord trash.

    May 29, 2020 at 6:36 PM

    Once Barrie Tilghman, Jim Ireton and Jake Day turned Ghetto Salisbury over to the slum lords like John Cannon this place took a $hit. Time to move away!

  72. Anonymous said...
    You LOOT we SHOOT.

    May 29, 2020 at 6:45 PM

    I'm locked and loaded and ready. I may even lure thin into my building to justify my actions. What a pleasure that will be.

  73. Thank you Jake Day and Mike Dunn you are doing great things for Salisbury.

  74. Anonymous said...
    the mother must be real proud of the garbage that she has raised. like mother, like son. garbage.

    May 29, 2020 at 7:26 PM

    What do you expect? She had poor dental hygiene so she didn't even take care of herself. She was toothless and those gums were flapping and then she disappeared. If it was my child I would have stayed there the whole time.

    1. She got in her daily exercise routine running away. Running to the chuck wagon.

  75. Anonymous said...
    the problem is this type of behavior has been made to be ok, Every officer in the city should resign and let the thugs all have at each other. Babs and the boi mare along with glantz should all be resigning. They let this happen. With their attitude of "There is no crime in da bury" pack your stuff and sell all and get out while you still can. It's only going to get worse. Vanessa

    May 29, 2020 at 7:50 PM

    You are 100% correct. This city is run by inexperienced clowns.

  76. I hope you know that you aren't supposed to have this footage?? You might want to check yourself before you wreck yourself.

  77. ah yes, lovely ol da ghetto called the da bury! time to burn the city down! maybe then there won't be any place for these idiots to live. then they can all move back to baltimore!

  78. Nothing to see on the video but a smart ass little punk with the peanut gallery in the background making it worse. The one arrest.ed needs his ass spanked and mouth washed out with soap

  79. I spotted a few cops posting. In reference to the knee on the neck. It may be taught in the academy. No where is it taught that you continue that amount of force once they are in cuffs. We all can name at least five cops who always want to get a shot in while they are cuffed. Sadly we all let them slide. That is when we become part of the problem. Enough is not done to get that one or two officers off the force that continue to basically assault a person in cuffs. I personally think these officers are cowards and have no place in law enforcement. Funny thing you never see them do it before the cuffs are on. You all know one if you work in L/E. Just remember if you do not take action to police yourselves the public will. So with that said do the right thing when you see the p::sy bullshit by the same officer over and over do the right thing.

    Why no more press about the S.P.D> Property Room and the State's Attorney that was put on leave. I guess they got the giant broom out to sweep this under the carpet.

  80. I found the SOB's name on case search.

    Race: BlackSex:MaleHeight:5'3"Weight:160
    HairColor: BlackEyeColor:Brown
    DOB: 07/27/2001
    Address: 501 PRISCILLA ST
    City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801-0000

    1. So he's already in the system. Go figure. They should have a plane drop pallets of cocaine over SALISBURY. In 4 months the entire culture would be extinct.

    2. 7:18
      Do you refer to one of the planes used by CIA to fly drugs into the US from Mexico?

      Yea, they should drop some . . .

      They are financing WARS with that drug money! Why would they give it away?

  81. it appears this is not the thugs first arrest. go to case search. he gives his name in the video Camren Colon and is listed there for assault. he has been acting the fool since Nov 2018. ghetto mom must be so proud. This is what law enforcement has to deal with constantly. Its beyond ridiculous. he is a product of this trashy mother. the welfare queen mentions law suit. doubt it with his rap sheet. He will either end up dead or in prison. Hug a thug.

  82. The police to not make enough money to have to deal with uneducated, uncivilized punks like this and his 'mama'. After seeing his 'mama' I can understand why the kid is also uncivilized and anti social. This kid will either end up dead if he continues to act like the ignorant fool he is, or he will end up in prison.
    I feel so sorry for the teachers who are required to have fools like him in their class.

  83. Anonymous said...
    I spotted a few cops posting. In reference to the knee on the neck. It may be taught in the academy. No where is it taught that you continue that amount of force once they are in cuffs. We all can name at least five cops who always want to get a shot in while they are cuffed. Sadly we all let them slide. That is when we become part of the problem. Enough is not done to get that one or two officers off the force that continue to basically assault a person in cuffs. I personally think these officers are cowards and have no place in law enforcement. Funny thing you never see them do it before the cuffs are on. You all know one if you work in L/E. Just remember if you do not take action to police yourselves the public will. So with that said do the right thing when you see the p::sy bullshit by the same officer over and over do the right thing.

    Why no more press about the S.P.D> Property Room and the State's Attorney that was put on leave. I guess they got the giant broom out to sweep this under the carpet.

    May 30, 2020 at 9:47 AM


  84. Anonymous said...
    I found the SOB's name on case search.

    Race: BlackSex:MaleHeight:5'3"Weight:160
    HairColor: BlackEyeColor:Brown
    DOB: 07/27/2001
    Address: 501 PRISCILLA ST
    City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801-0000

    May 30, 2020 at 12:08 PM

    I thought I saw multiple people call this punk a "child?" He is a full fledged adult and soon to be 19 years old. Lock his ass up!

    1. The POS cries for mommy he is a 19 yo ADULT 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹

  85. Now, imagine you're a school teacher and have actual children (under 18 y/o) who behave like this in class every single day, who have zero respect for you or what you try to teach, for the other students, for much of anything, in class or out.

    You do this five periods every day, five days a week.

  86. The guy being arrested is the same person that caused the riot at Bennett High 4 years ago. Had to be pepper sprayed in the face and taken out in handcuffs.

    1. That explains it and he was crying for Mommy lol 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  87. Does anyone want to guess what Camren will be doing in five years if he doesn't get a grip on his present?

  88. Her cop was very aggressive and made the call a lot worse. He assaulted the kid a couple of times.

  89. I really wish that when there is a video message from the Chief of Police and from the government office building they would speak up. I always have to strain to hear. The audio is bad. Also, I saw the video of the officer and I saw no neck hold on the guy. Regarding Chief Duncan, I am sick and tired of the ridicule and disrespect I get on here. We can have different opinions and perspectives to issues but why all the slamming and shaming? This is why the young people are rude and disrespectful! Unbelievable the example they get from "adults."

  90. I do agree with the comments here against the guy being arrested and the parents. It's sickening. Let the police do their jobs.

  91. That little punk needs a serious lesson in respect. God bless that officer, and all good police, for risking everything daily to keep us safe.


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