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Monday, May 18, 2020

27 year old man come to meet 15 year old girl...


  1. And you did not contact the police over it? Either it was staged or you are an idiot if you had proof. He will just do it to someone else and you let him walk away! According to you you had him dead to rights and the perv should be sitting in jail! No let him go on get some other innocent little girl.

  2. May 18, 2020 at 6:38 AM - if the cops were doing their job he wouldn't have to be doing this.

  3. 6:36 the police were the ones who released the video in an attempt to identify him.

  4. Where the fuzz ? P O L I C E ??

  5. He's from PA, doing vids there, Atlantic City, etc. He was in OC this past weekend.

    Our LEOs do a damn fine job each and every day.

  6. Who the heck smokes cigarettes?! And who talks like. White trash. Ridiculous. Oc has fallen.

  7. 6:38 What a stupid statement. 330 million people in this country and you expect the police to have all the dope dealers, murderers, rapists, robbers, human traffickers, and perverts covered?

    1. No not the police jerk! The idiot who shot the video and claiming he had all the messages from the perv. He went to meet the perv and most certainly could have had the police there where he met the perv instead of just letting him walk away. If anything your statement is stupid because none expects the police to have "all the dope dealers, etc". They could have had that one!

    2. The cop where busy with real crime like parking tickets and jay walking.

  8. 917 - 25% of America still smokes.

    25% of 300 Million. You can do the math.


  9. 12:23 - The police wouldn't have been able to do anything with that material the guy that posed as a 15-year old girl had collected. There is no way to verify things happened exactly the way he said it happened. How do the police know the guy turned over all of the material? Any first year law student would be able to shoot holes through the state's case if they only had that guy's word as their evidence to get a conviction.

  10. It all starts with parents. Why would a 15 year old even think about going somewhere alone with an old person. Parents did not raise the kids right from wrong. That's where it starts!


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