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Saturday, May 09, 2020

11 Secret Service members test positive for COVID-19 and 23 recovered

Eleven members of the United States Secret Service have recently tested positive for COVID-19 while 23 others have recovered from the illness caused by the novelcoronavirus, it has been reported, as the pathogen continues to circulate in and around the White House.

Some 60 employees of the agency charged with protecting President Trump and other senior government officials are currently in quarantine due to the outbreak, according to Department of Homeland Security documents obtained by Yahoo News.

The current active cases of COVID-19 were reported as of Thursday.

It is not known if any of the infected employees were in close contact with Trump or Vice President Mike Pence.



  1. I wouldn't be surprised if deep state Dems weren't trying to get someone who works in the wh infected to get to Trump 😠😡😠😡😠😡

    1. You know that’s exactly what they’re trying, they already infected Boris Johnson

  2. Number 11 check

    Number 23 check

    This is an intelligence operation

  3. I wish they would...

  4. That virus is not strong enough to take down Trump. It will run off him like every other tactics they've tried.

  5. Okay, so I have 11 ice cream cones, and I eat 23 of them. How many are left?

    1. 6:34 That would be -12 ice cream cones.

  6. One infected hooker, and the whole Secret Service is infected. LOL!


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