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Thursday, April 09, 2020

White House Announces New Guidance For How Critical Employees Can Return To Work

The federal government has released new guidelines for when people in critical infrastructure roles can return to work after being exposed to a confirmed or suspected case of coronavirus.
The guidance pertains to essential critical workers who have been exposed to COVID-19. For those individuals, the guidelines advise:
  • Take your temperature before work.
  • Wear a face mask at all times.
  • Practice social distancing in the workplace as work duties permit
The guidelines advise individuals not to:
  • Stay at work if you become sick.
  • Share headsets or other items used near one's face.
  • Congregate in the break room, lunchroom, or other crowded places.
Employers are asked to:
  • Take the employee's temperature and assess their symptoms before the employee starts back at work.
  • If the employee becomes sick during the day, they should be sent home immediately.
  • Increase the air exchange in the building.
  • Increase the cleaning of commonly touched surfaces.
  • Test the use of face masks to ensure they don't interfere with workflow.
The new guidelines were announced at the White House on Wednesday. The guidelines are part of the government's effort to "re-open" the country, which has been brought to an economic halt due to the coronavirus and the extensive measures introduced to stem its spread. President Trump said Wednesday that he believes the country can re-open "soon" and he'll consult with health experts in determining exactly when.


  1. 1/100 may go back but I DON'T think so.

  2. Unbelievable! Nothing to see here folks, it is all but over! Time to get back to work, make sure you adhere to the 6' (that has been debunked) and where at least a scarf around your face. Time to make the rich richer, get going. Remember New York dictates the rest of the country. I do not mean any disrespect for those that have lost their life due to this. This is just frustrating beyond belief!

    1. We have been saying the same thing! We're so confused.

  3. 10:06. You are exactly right.


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