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Friday, April 24, 2020

Which States are ready for phase 1 of reopening

The nation's economy could begin showing signs of life after weeks under quarantine as dozens of states have signaled that they are open for business - or at least to an extent.

President Trump announced a plan on April 16 to reopen the country in three phases, based on the severity of the outbreak in each state or region.

Several states heard Trump's words and have started to outline how and when they will reopen after more than a month of lockdown measures designed to combat the coronavirus pandemic. On Monday, the governors of Georgia, Tennessee and South Carolina announced plans to bring their states' economies closer to full force.



  1. Should have stayed open and let the weak die and the strong produce antibodies. Now alot of the survivors have lost everything and have to live with that. Still say this was a big hoax by the proven percentages of sick vs dying.

    1. I'm beginning to better that we over reacted. Especially the health experts.

  2. Apparently, not Maryland, according to Boss Hogg Hogan.

  3. Larry said "Nuck, Nuck, Nuck" and danced around with his hands wiggling in front of his nose.

    Then Joe Biden called and said "That's all folks".

  4. 3:01. You do realize that the low percentages of sick and dying is an actual result of everyone staying home? This is certainly not a hoax. Let’s see how Georgia makes out over the next few weeks.

  5. Delaware won’t be until July because of Georgetown problems

  6. Closures will extend as long as the Democrats want so Joe doesn't have to get on the campaign trail and make a fool of himself.

  7. Fkkkking NONE of them !!!!


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