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Monday, April 20, 2020

What to do About China

Much the same way that the Nazis invasion of Poland in the 20th century, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) assaulted the world with a biological agent. Instead of Panzer divisions rolling down the streets of Warsaw, Communist China’s invisible biological warfare has stricken the world with economic and human misery, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and forcing millions into unemployment lines globally.

Expansionist China is clearly a military, economic, and health threat to the world. But it’s reckoning time for the Chinese communist dictatorship. Washington should exert diplomatic, economic, and military pressure on Beijing that will put China’s dictator Xi Jingping, and the evil and corrupt CCP under enormous strain.

Here are four suggestions to counter China’s biological, military and economic threats:

Economic Distancing: Seize China’s U.S. Treasury Notes

For America, the China virus attack was a 21st century medical Pearl Harbor, inflicting tens of thousands of casualties and placing our healthcare system under enormous strain. To counterattack China’s criminal negligence and mishandling of the coronavirus epidemic, the U.S. needs to hit our communist comrades where it hurts the most -- their pocketbooks.



  1. China is as distrustful as Russia. Frankly, IMO, Trump's "relationship" with Xi is a ploy to keep China off balance; keep your friends close and enemies closer. China's goal is world economic dominance and it is going to take a POTUS like Trump to keep them at bay.

  2. China controls 90% of the drugs in the world , we will do nothing but bow to these dictators. We are way too late to be effective towards China , they could give a crap less and don't care about human life , now do you get it?

  3. Open an investigation. Democrats and china collusion is REAL!!!

  4. 7:54 it's thinking like yours that dooms the rest of us! it's never to late to address evil!

  5. China has done this every year ... it’s time to isolate them

  6. Send about 5 missiles over there , should be Enough !!!!

  7. Should have listened to General McArthur 1953 !!!!

  8. American retailers need to stop buying merchandise from China. Other countries, Indonesia, India, Cambodia, Mexico, African and South American countries are better than China. Of course American made is preferred, but keep in mind even American companies (Smithfield Ham) are owned by the Chinese.

  9. American retailers need to stop buying merchandise from China. Other countries, Indonesia, India, Cambodia, Mexico, African and South American countries are better than China. Of course American made is preferred, but keep in mind even American companies (Smithfield Ham) are owned by the Chinese.

  10. Blame Truman for firing General McArthur who would have Wiped China
    off the map for the world, Back Then , along with any North Korea leftovers !

  11. With 22 million Americans out of work. The time to bring back all industries from China is now.


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