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Thursday, April 30, 2020

WaPo Poll: 65 Percent of Americans Want All Immigration to U.S. Halted

A majority of Americans want all immigration to the United States halted in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus crisis, a new poll reveals.

Last week, President Trump signed an executive order slowing green card processing for less than ten percent of the 1.2 million legal immigrants annually admitted to the U.S.

In addition to these annual legal immigrant admissions are millions of foreign nationals who can still arrive on foreign visa worker programs, student visas, tourist visas, and special immigrant visas — all of which have continued despite more than 26 million Americans now unemployed.

The latest Washington Post/University of Maryland poll finds that Americans, by a majority, want all immigration to the U.S. halted.



  1. Yeah, and all of Hollywood deported.

  2. We also need to step up enforcement of the boarder in the south. With killings of the invaders! We need to get like Russia, China, N. Korea, Mexico, really hard punishment for even mistakenly crossing the boarder! Stop the mollycoddling!

    America can no longer be the melting pot with Bat soup in the pot!

  3. And I'm one of them.

  4. If the WaPo says 65% of us want all immigration to the US halted, you'd better believe the real number is closer to 100%. They have not polled a republican since before Watergate.


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