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Friday, April 03, 2020

U.S. Intelligence: China ‘Intentionally’ Lied About Coronavirus Outbreak

The U.S. Intelligence Community reportedly presented President Donald Trump with a highly classified report last week that confirmed that communist China lied to the world about the number of cases and deaths it’s suffered from the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, which originated in China.

“China’s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete,” Bloomberg News reported, according to three U.S. officials that it spoke to. “Two of the officials said the report concludes that China’s numbers are fake.”

“The reality is that we could have been better off if China had been more forthcoming,” Vice President Mike Pence told CNN in an interview on Wednesday. “What appears evident now is that long before the world learned in December that China was dealing with this, and maybe as much as a month earlier than that, that the outbreak was real in China.”



  1. It was done INTENTIONALLY by Someone or Govt in China !!! Not by a Bat

  2. Bats have always been there & the Dirty food markets too !!!

    If it were from that , it would have been here LOONG before now !!!

    Common Sense !!! Our Govt knows it & is covering it up so we don't
    have to Declare War with China !!! They rather avoid War !!!

  3. Trump intentionally lied.

  4. Enemys do LIE !!!

  5. 11:05, please enlighten us all on how our great president lied? I recall him being called racist for being proactive and stopping inbound air traffic from China. Also, if this is all President Trumps fault, why is the entire world suffering. I just need a little help attempting to understand your logic.

  6. Like Pearl Harbour another Cover-up !!!

  7. What your seeing is Nancy an the boys at work, They don't care how many die as long as they can get to Trump O SHE HAS THE CURE YOU DONT

  8. 231
    She didn't mean it.
    Let us all bow down to Mr Tump now

    In unison: BOW


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