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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

U.S. coronavirus death toll now greater than that of Vietnam War

(NEXSTAR) – The number of Americans who died from COVID-19 is now higher than the death toll of U.S. soldiers killed in the Vietnam War.

By late Tuesday afternoon, More data showed U.S. coronavirus deaths to be 58,343. The bloody conflict in Vietnam, which spanned two decades, killed 58,220 Americans, according to statistics from the National Archives.

Coronavirus cases in the United States surpassed 1 million Tuesday, more than four times the number in Spain, the country with the second-most.


  1. And China is the common thread.

  2. God bless all of the vets and families whose lives were destroyed by that horrible war

  3. What does such a comparison even mean?
    38,000 people die every year in car and truck crashes, which is also irrelevant to CCP Virus 19. So is the fact that 618,222 men died in our civil war.
    An entire third of the population of Europe died in The Plague, most of whom wouldn't have died if they knew that rats and fleas carried the disease. Is that relevant?

    1. 10:24 YES! THANK YOU! You have just stated what should be OBVIOUS to everyone...What's the relevance? Just prior to "the virus" Heart desiese and Cancer BOTH killed more people per year than the virus, and the truth is, AFTER "the virus" Heart disease and Cancer will STILL kill more people, yet, where's the panic? Wheres the overzealous government overreach? Wheres the Media CONDEMNING anyone who has the odasity to NOT get in line? It's funny how the more our government responds to this virus, the more our government becomes like the country that spawned the virus!

    2. How about because cancer and heart disease are not contagious. Thats the issue.

  4. Each instance 1024 is different. There is no apples to apples comparison.

    Just numbers thrown off the wall to see what sticks. And for ratings purposes.

  5. Since they are blaming every person who dies on Whu Flu, it stands to reason.

  6. Vietnam is still a tender bruise on the American psyche. Don't remind us of it in sophomoric offhand comments for your political games, MSM.

  7. 10:24
    This post was just meant to show you how dangerous this virus is. Yeah a lot of people die every year of car accidents but that is expected. This virus was not here last year so our death toll is much higher than it should be on average.

  8. This is a modern war and should be called WW 3 it involves the entire world against China!

    The common enemy and virus spreader! China is Batshit crazy and Bat Eaters!

  9. To be fair, the population of Spain is less than 50 million...we have more than 6 times the number of people in the USA...

  10. Still far less than Abe Lincoln's civil war....

  11. Funny I don't recall the economy closing down and shutting everyone in their home at that time.

  12. Comparing apples to oranges. Everyone with a 2nd grade mentality buys that bs.

  13. People, the issue with this virus is how HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS it is.

    1. You are quoting the Media
      This article is about the LIES we are told by the Media. We don’t believe the lies any longer. You shouldn’t believe them either.

  14. Told you so !!! & Not a shot fired !!! The New War has begun with No
    need for any shooting anymore !!! Wake Up America !!!

    If the Democrats don't get to Ruin America anymore , it will be Germ Warfare

    68,000 is the Vietnam Total (Govt says ) Probably was Twice that !!!

  15. And to Think > Govt wants to force you back to work & school !!! DUGH


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