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Saturday, April 11, 2020

TRUMP’S MIRACLE DRUG: French Study of 1,000+ Patients Including Seniors See 98% Success Rate with Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin Regimen

In late March FOX News host Laura Ingraham reported on the latest study by the French research team led by the renowned epidemiologist Dr. Didier Raoult was able to repeat his findings from a previous study.

This time Dr. Raoult administered hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to 80 patients and observed improvement in EVERY CASE except for a very sick 86-year-old with an advanced form of coronavirus infection.

This is wonderful news.
Unfortunately, this doctor’s work helps the the global community and Trump so the the liberal media has either ignored, attacked or mocked his research.
What awful people.



  1. Dems and the scum media are holding it back to Destroy Trump we need a CIVIL WAR.

  2. Have each one of the people saying "don't use that drug!!" sign a statement that they will not take it if they are diagnosed with Covid-19.
    Let everyone else have it if they choose.


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