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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Trump suggests coronavirus aid to states could depend on sanctuary city policies

President Trump on Tuesday suggested that new federal payments to help states deal with the coronavirus pandemic could depend on whether or not they were home to sanctuary cities.

“If it is COVID related, we can talk about it. We want things including sanctuary city adjustments,” the president said during an event in the East Room of the White House.

“I don’t even think they are popular even by radical left, because people are being protected that shouldn’t be protected and bad things are happening with sanctuary cities,” Trump continued at the event, which also showcased small business owners who’d benefited from the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program.

“It is one of the things we think about. If we are going to do something for states, they will want something having to do with sanctuary cities and other different points that we can discuss a little later on.”



  1. DAMN RIGHT !!! They NOT giving OUR benefits to ILLEGALS anymore !!

    This will force these Illegal States to send Illegals Back home where they
    came from !!! California is the WORST !!!

    Show them WHO is BOSS TRUMP 2020 MAGA !!!!

  2. Help should not depend on anything. his is a major health and economic situation. People come first, not his precious stock market.
    People need help and the buck stops with him.
    What he's doing has all been wrong.

  3. I agree sanctuary cities are a bad thing, but now is not the time to be politicizing this. Legal citizens need help (both Republican and Democrats) they should not be denied help simply because their local leaders support illegal immigrants.

  4. Yes these states are violating the US codes and Laws so screw them. They have so much extra money to piss away on illegals they don't need any of my federal taxes!


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