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Thursday, April 02, 2020

Trump Launches Massive Military Offensive Against Drug Cartels

President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday that the administration is launching an all out assault on Mexican drug cartels using the U.S. Military.

“As governments and nations focus on the Coronavirus, there is a growing threat that cartels, criminals, terrorists, and other malign actors will try to exploit the situation for their own gain and we must not let that happen,” Trump said. “We will never let that happen. Today the United States is launching enhanced counter narcotics operations in the western hemisphere to protect the American people from the deadly scourge of illegal narcotics.”

“We must not let the drug cartels exploit the pandemic to threaten American lives,” Trump continued. “In cooperation with the 22 partner nations, the U.S. Southern Command will increase surveillance, disruption, and seizures of drug shipments, and provide additional support for eradication efforts that are going on right now at a record pace.”

More here


  1. Some harebrained Liberal politician is going to say that calling Mexican drug cartels Mexican is racist.

  2. 101 Some harebrained conservative will say Trump is the first one to fight Mexican cartels.

    1. Some haebrained liberal is also being funded by the cartels

  3. Om my

    The Clinton Drug movement; that's been going on since Bill was a governor is going to be impeded

  4. "Harebrained" liberals actually implies that liberals HAVE brains.

  5. Send in the cruise missiles !!!


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