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Friday, April 10, 2020

Trump administration plans to open 2.3 million acres of wildlife refuges to hunting and fishing

The Trump administration announced plans on Wednesday to open up 2.3 million acres of land to hunting and fishing on more than 100 national wildlife refuges and fish hatcheries across the country – earning praise from hunting groups but derision from wildlife conservation organizations who called the move “tone deaf” as the country reels from the coronavirus pandemic.

The proposal would allow hunting and fishing for the first time at several national wildlife refuges from coast to coast, including San Diego Bay in California, Alamosa in Colorado, Bombay Hook in Delaware and Umbagog in Maine and New Hampshire and Everglades Headwaters in Florida.

It would also allow alligator hunting at three national wildlife refuges: Banks Lake in Georgia, Laguna Atascosa in Texas and Savannah in Georgia and South Carolina.



  1. Please let part of it be Assatugue!

  2. This will cause a melt down on the left

  3. The rationale is sound, but many won't believe it.

  4. Years of court challenges, don't get your hopes up too soon.


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