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Friday, April 24, 2020

This Has to Stop: Mother Handcuffed and Arrested by Police in Idaho for Letting Kids Play in a Park (VIDEO)

The New America: Violent Criminals are freed and innocent mothers in playgrounds are arrested in front of their children.

This has got to stop.

A young mother was arrested by police in Idaho for playing with her children in a park.

The video is extremely disturbing!



  1. I would like to know specifically what LAW was broken?

  2. I could never be a cop.

  3. This is very disturbing she was WITH her kids, supervising her kids, having fun with her kids, and she gets arrested. Can we say Russia, China, Russia, China, Russia, China, so damn wrong.

  4. This is the kind of hope and change obama promised us..but now democrats in collusion with china have hatched a new plan. TRUMP WAS SET UP, so Hows this taste of socialist authoritarian overreach feel. so unconstitutional its reeks. People will revolt if this becomes the "new way" "new age" "new world order"..its all the same players and agenda people.

  5. What part of PLAYGROUNDS ARE CLOSED don't you people understand? Outdoor activities are limited to walking, running in Idaho, that does not include allowing your kids to climb on playground equipment that is owned by either local or state government! She broke the law, the got arrested! What part don't you understand!

    1. Owned by state or local government. You seem to forget, that means US, the taxpayers that paid for these playgrounds. The government does not own them, WE the taxpayers do.

  6. @11:04 how about DIRECT VIOLATION OF STATEWIDE STAY AT HOME ORDER! Violation of or failure to comply with this Order could constitute a misdemeanor punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Idaho Code § 56- 1003(7)(C). Get over it! The playgrounds are closed! Read what IDAHO says for their citizens! Every state is different but the LAW OF THE STATE APPLIES TO ALL THE CITIZENS OF THAT STATE! She clearly broke the law!

  7. Tyranny Tyranny, where art thou oh Tyranny....Why must others fears effect our freedoms...Those whom are not willing to sacrifice and defend freedom do not deserve freedom. Wake up America!....just saying

  8. @11:24 she was clearly in violation of that states stay at home law! Break the law - pay the price! That's America for ya! Those other countries you listed wouldn't have allowed a video to ever be made, or released! Try again!

  9. The cops did their job. Arresting her in front of her kids sends a good message to those kids, don't break the law!

  10. What part was disturbing??

  11. Watch the full video on YouTube. It was all staged. She insulted the cop who was very nice. She wanted to get arrested. Then they filmed it and lied about why she got arrested. These people are sick. This woman has been in the news before

  12. I'm sorry, she did what?


    Oh ok then.

    1. Statutory Law

      Not Constitution Law

      Her lawsuits will clean the cops out of money

  13. The bigger point is the insanity of these laws. Who are these governors who order lockdown of healthy people? Tyranny.

    1. I'm with you 1:49 .... Land Of The Free, Home Of The Brave. Don't Tread On Me !!!!

  14. I believe this to be a big fat lie! There were plenty of other people there (including kids) and no one was wearing any sort of ppc, so why was she singled out? There must be more to this story.

  15. She wasn't shot and killed. What's the big deal?

    1. face mask stage coach robberApril 24, 2020 at 9:27 PM

      that's because Salisbury M.S.P. was not there.

      MSP are the outlaw Sherrifs of the wild west

      Shoot you....ask questions later

  16. OH they put a stop to it!!!!! AMEND BUNDY YES that guy who did the stand off with FBI in that refuse center, went to this cops house and served him with papers!!!!!! They are standing up!!!! Its on youtube...

  17. There is more to the story. Check it out. She planned it and posted it on Facebook before she went to park. Today she is on doing a fake apology. She is married to a cop so that probably explains the apology. She was not concerned about her kids when she was taunting cop to arrest her. She found out it was not fun and games when protesters showed up at her house.

  18. What part of "stay home" doesn't she understand?

  19. What part of "freedom to peacefully assemble" do you not understand?


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