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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

"This Happened": Biden Accuser's Sexual Assault Claim Corroborated By Two More Witnesses

Two more sources have come forward to corroborate sexual assault claims against Joe Biden by former staffer Tara Reade, who claims that in 1993 Biden forced himself upon her and penetrated her against her will with his fingers.

Two people have already come forward to say that Reade told them of the incident shortly after it allegedly occurred; her brother Collin Moulton, and a friend who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of retribution.

Now, two more witnesses have come forward to Business Insider; former neighbor Lynda LaCasse - a self-described "very strong Democrat," and Reade's former co-worker, Lorraine Sanchez, who worked in the office of a California state senator in the mid-1990s.

"This happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it," said LaCasse, a retired former medical staff coordinator and emergency room clerk for San Luis Obispo General Hospital in California, who lived next door to Reade in the mid-1990s in an apartment complex in Morro Bay, CA. LaCasse said she and Reade shared a bond because they were both mothers whose daughters swam together in the apartment complex's pool.

In a series of interviews with Insider over the last week, LaCasse said she decided to speak up now, at a time when Reade's story is under intense scrutiny in the media and facing denials from the Biden campaign, because she believed Reade's account when she first heard it.

"I have to support her just because that's what happened," LaCasse said. "We need to stand up and tell the truth." -Business Insider



  1. All democrats are innocent 😇

  2. Oh the hypocrisy between the Kavanaugh case and Biden. Liberals issue a pass suggesting it’s okay for a Democrat to violate women.

  3. Where’s metoo?The victim is a democrat also proves it’s not about the women victims.

  4. He is a Democrat so, 100 or more would not matter , ALL covered Up !!!!

    Now you see Who is Above the Law !!!! In America !!!

  5. She still has the dress and panties she wore but Dems don't care.

  6. Anyone seen or heard from Alyssa Milano about this.....?????

  7. Biden has called Hillary to ask for the names of her "Fixers".

    WHAS inc.

    Witnesses have accidents and suicides inc.


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