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Tuesday, April 14, 2020



  1. That’s the truth.

  2. They don't really want him to be President, they want whomever is selected to run with him as VP to be President. They are not fooling us for one minute even though they think they are.

  3. Just a big joke. Correct about who is chosen for VP. Look for that person to be the "real" candidate. Of course, whomever...is NOT going to beat Trump, no matter what.

  4. The double standard is prevalent in spades. Joe molests women to begin with and the left turns a blind eye, his mental state has obviously deteriorated and the left turns a blind eye, Obama is obviously inabsentia with an endorsement and the left turns a blind eye. The Supporters are in for a big surprise come convention time; "Come on man", Joe will not be the candidate...period!


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