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Wednesday, April 08, 2020

The Trump-haters are chronically addicted to their rage

As anyone who has been watching the daily press briefings about the virus knows, the duplicitous non-journalists in the room are not one bit interested in actual facts or any good news about the virus, hydroxychloroquine, or medical equipment supplies, or any other information that may be gleaned about the administration's war against this flu. They are driven only by their hatred for this president, who has risen to the challenge as a true leader.

President Trump put the medical and scientific task force together early on, when the left was paying attention to and reporting only on the impeachment. He banned travelers from China when the Democrats and media called him a racist for implementing the ban, and he started screening passengers from all over the world.

We see the reporters' ill mannered disrespect throughout the mainstream media, network television, on CNN and MSNBC. No one can miss the truth of the left's plan: we can use this virus to destroy the economy and the country, and that will be the end of Trump.

But it won't. A majority of Americans can see for themselves that he has handled this crisis like a pro at problem-solving. Trump is exactly that — a problem-solver, no matter the magnitude of the problem.



  1. Here here, Trump is killing it.

  2. 1215 by "it" if you mean "the truth", "integrity", "leadership", "accountability", you are 100% right on all accounts.

  3. Trump has Real America on his side & He is on Ours !! Trump 2020 !!!!

  4. Most of the liberal Democrats are foolish scumbags!

  5. Dems are done the only vote is red son!!! MAGA!

  6. It is amazing to watch the liberal retards spin everything good that President Trump does into something bad.


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