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Thursday, April 02, 2020

The Real Deal


  1. Thank god your in charge sir
    Really scary if hildabeast Obama or sleepy joe was in charge
    Life would be over if they were in charge

  2. Yes!!!That's my President❤❤❤

  3. I could not agree more !!!!

  4. He my hero. I love our President!

  5. MAGA!!!! Absolutely four more years. He and Mike Pence make a "da bomb" team.

  6. My President🤗🤗

  7. America is extremely lucky to have this President at the helm during this unprecedented time in modern history. Here is a man who is not afraid to make decisions, regardless of political criticisms. His incredible success in business is a result of that ability to follow the business model of decision making. There are five steps, and he follows them religiously. It is what makes him so effective as a leader both in business, and as the President. It how he makes one incredibly important decision one right after the other. He doesn't falter, or let the critics stop him from doing what is best for America, at the time he makes a decision. And he does this day after day. It is ironic that the decision making model was actually developed by the government. How he makes decisions for America is science, not political. And the left hates him. Not just oppose him, but actually hate him. Their opposition goes beyond political, and enters the realm of emotional.

  8. absolutely love him

  9. Northwest Woodsman: Someone once said “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers”. My fear is that between voter fraud and the aforementioned stupid people, which constitute the base for the Pedomarxist democrats, they will find away to steal the election. No matter the circumstances, when they lose, you can count on a continuous stream of lawsuits being filed to contest the results

  10. He is either telling a lie or promoting himself.

  11. April 2, 2020 at 1:09 PM:

    I see you're one of the haters.....

  12. REAL Leader 2020 !!! 1st time we, workers ever got anything from Govt !


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