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Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Dumbest Questions Asked at Coronavirus Press Briefings


  1. How about the one AOC asked; "If you die from this virus, will you not recover and get well"?

    Joe Biden said; "We just need to stockpile, what we need to fight with and get better till no one has any stock to get from the place we need to get stockpile from and be better than we won't get sick".

    Maxine Waters said; "Trump let people get sick because he said he wanted to have poor people die".

    Nancy Pelosi said; "We need to use this pandemic to get legislation rammed thru we couldn't get passed otherwise".

  2. Dumb liberal democrats. Poor Joe Biden has dementia and his family of scumbags let the poor bastard continue his campaign. He is the best the democrats have?

  3. Democrat BIASED NEWS !!! Kick them OUT when they get stupid !!!


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