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Friday, April 17, 2020

Thank God It's Friday 4-17-20

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. going to the living room

  2. We have weekends now?

  3. im taking my backhoe and digging up another couple streets in salisbury

    1. I'll meet you downtown. Got a few cans of spray paint we can use for a few more rainbow crosswalks.

  4. heres something for everyone to investigate- CPB, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, is getting 75 million in stimulus money. So even though they are rabidly anti-Trump, NPR and PBS get funded? What sense does that make? Sorry, independent mom and pop radio stations, no money for you, we have to fund the liberals.

    1. It's the same thing the Dems do over and over... attach garbage for their socialist/ communist "wish list" to a Bill that should be clean...then they get to "negotiate" with Republicans and get some of what they want... they will always scream that Republicans are anti American, anti kid, clean water, etc. by trying to stop the added pork... they always give in to some of it..

  5. I imagine most should be replanting their crops that froze last night. I know that I certainly will. Feeding 6 of us with our garden is a need now, not a hobby since we are so limited by the quantity stores will sell at one time.We eat 60 eggs and 20 lbs of rice a month here, but have to make several orders and trips to get what we normally buy for the month. Each additional trip just vastly increases our exposure risk potential to catching the virus, wear-n-tear on our vehicles, extra fuel consumption, and possible car wreck. This certainly doesn't seem to be a smarter way of living when all we're really doing is increasing our chances of exposure. I hope everyone grows some extra for their neighbors. You never know how much longer the food at the store will be there.

  6. @ April 17, 2020 at 8:28 AM

    Just because Public Radio or NPR doesn't shill for your Dear Leader... it doesn't mean they are anti-Trump. In fact... they tend to be the most trustworthy and neutral news source because they are not beholden to any corporation or government. They are able to simply report the news, and mostly avoid any purposeful skew. They are NOT in the "entertainment" business as almost all other media news entertainment sources are... you can find actual journalism there.

    Come to think of it... I'll be donating to NPR this weekend.

  7. @ April 17, 2020 at 8:28 AM

    Just because Public Radio or NPR doesn't shill for your Dear Leader... it doesn't mean they are anti-Trump. In fact... they tend to be the most trustworthy and neutral news source because they are not beholden to any corporation or government. They are able to simply report the news, and mostly avoid any purposeful skew. They are NOT in the "entertainment" business as almost all other media news entertainment sources are... you can find actual journalism there.

    Come to think of it... I'll be donating to NPR this weekend.

  8. Counting my Wine Bottle Corks !

  9. 8:42 - The situation does seem to be getting more dire and the media are loving it. It should help defeat Donald Trump this year and perhaps many good folks will die. It's all about power.
    We need to open the economy, keep it going and prosper again. We can practice distance and good hygiene and take things a step at a time but we need to get going.
    Otherwise poverty in all it's despair will kill more than Covid.
    That you can count on.

  10. Washing off pollen.

  11. Bourbon, lather/rinse/repeat!

    Maybe work on my farmer tan in the afternoon!

    Stay safe all!

  12. Yeah, NPR's not anti- Trump. I totally believe that. Is that why they have stopped carrying the press conferences? My point was that regular radio stations are getting no help, but these public stations, which are supposed to be funded by the listeners, are getting even MORE govt. money. Look loser liberal, you want to piss away your cash on biased reporting, that's your business. But as typical liberals, you have to steal my money to pay for your pet project so you can continue to feel smug.

  13. 9:00. You have got to be joking. NPR is liberal propaganda thru and thru. You need to inform yourself.

  14. same as last week


  15. For all practical purposes, NPR is the radio broadcast subsidiary of the DNC. It wasn't always so blatant and unbalanced. I stopped contributing to them 25 or 30 years ago even though other aspects of the programming were pleasing. They never had any criticism of Clinton or his actions, and positively slobbered over Obama.

    There is a continuing need for thorough, independent reporting on a national level that lets the chips fall. Chances of that happening are slim.

  16. Here's a questions- so not only is SU hiring a diversity officer, but they still have two public radio stations, WSCL 89.5 and WSDL, 90.7. And UMES has 90.7. So SU will fire part time cleaners and food workers, but they;ll keep the boondoggle of NPR? How much of each SU student's tuition being used to pay for something that should be paid for ENTIRELY BY DONATION? Also, remember when they got a ton of money from Maryland?

    Of course they will, because NPR reinforces their liberal indoctrination. Also, we all know damn well that Don Rush is never, never going to look into the graffiti incident. SU will never allow them to report anything bad about the college.

    It's time to demand accountability and answers from Salisbury University.

  17. Getting fat - can't pass through the kitchen without getting food from the refrigerator. I use to have strong will power but this isolation is getting to me. Luckily I am only 103 and counting but I feel I am losing control 😂😂😂


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