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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Survey Finds 50 Million Americans Have Lost Their Job In Past 6 Weeks

When Thursday's initial claims report is published at 830am on Thursday, the Dept of Labor will confirm that the current depression is unlike any seen before, with approximately 30 million Americans losing their jobs in the past 6 weeks alone. That, however, may be underestimating the full number of Americans who have lost their jobs by as much as 50%.

According to an online poll by the left-wing Economic Policy Institute, millions of Americans who have been thrown out of work during the coronavirus pandemic have been unable to register for unemployment benefits. The poll found that for every 10 people who have successfully filed unemployment claims, three or four people have been unable to register and another two people have not tried to apply at a time of acute economic crisis.

Official statistics show that 26.5 million people have applied for unemployment benefits since mid-March, wiping out all of the jobs gained during the longest employment boom in U.S. history, and another 3.5 million initial claims are expected to be filed this week.



  1. Wonder how many more are on the government titty?

  2. It's just like Obama is back! No jobs, no hope!

  3. But the POS in Congress and Senate haven't and continue to get big fat checks!

  4. Yeah, they're on unemployment making more than I am working. Good deal I'd say.

  5. I saw nothing but mexicans working in da bury , yards roofs and streets.

    1. Really? That is all you saw huh? You were not out much.

  6. Make Depressions Great Again!

  7. 1036 you sound like you are barely qualified to push a mop. One of these clowns that refuses to acknowledge basic economic facts and data. Can't understand the facts, so you make up your own fantasy land.

  8. States will have to decide to keep paying salaries and cut food stamps and welfare.


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