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Monday, April 27, 2020

Summer Of 2020


  1. Its the truth and unfortunate!

    Unemployment for hospitality locals is the norm in the winter months - but now and thru the summer - WOW WOW WOW

  2. The UV from the Sun will keep all beach-goers safe! However, don't expect the lifeguards to perform CPR this year!!

  3. Cool ! Creepy Too !

  4. Once the beach is opened again, he will move from that chair to be a street crossing guard.

  5. Ocean City is supposed to announce their opening plans tomorrow at 1:00. With Theobold and Rhode leading the charge, Lord hep us. It's going to be an absolute goat circle. Bet on one thing, the division will become even wider as one group knows absent an opening is the death of most business's, the other option will sacrifice a few older people with pre-existing conditions.

    1. Truer words were never spoken. I’ve seen the plan, typical BS from Rhode and company. We’re about to become an epicenter while the idiots get paid to spread manure.

  6. The greedy city council of Ocean City will open up and then moan when all the lawyers are suing for wrongful deaths and negligence!

  7. We’re dying on the vine, OPEN BY MEMORIAL DAY Idiots!

  8. It’s been a long time since OC had to deal with a real crisis. Let’s see how they do? Ricky is on the verge of a collapse, a City Manager that’s lost, and no support staff. You should hear the briefs we get. That’s something to worry about! If I had just a few more years I’d be long gone.

    1. And I thought I was the only other Department Head that felt this way. Wait until lap dog Knapp is told to cut everyone’s budget again. Ummmmmmm good popcorn!

  9. Let The Reaper Come Calling !!

  10. Social Distancing and Ocean City do not go hand in hand. Quick business rules or briefs overnight will not work for a tourist landmark.

    Rickie and Lloyd need to figure out the proper decision that keeps everyone safe.

    Bold task given $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is at play

    Wouldn't wish this on anyone since it is a no-win scenario.

  11. Ocean City baby !!! 2020 !!

  12. Look likes death has finally warmed over.

  13. No Coronas this summer 2020 !!!

  14. “Come on baby, don't fear the reaper
    Baby take my hand, don't fear the reaper” 🎼🎸🎀πŸ₯

  15. Everyone in the know has already recognized this summer is going to be catastrophic for business in OC. It’s gonna clear out most everyone except the dirty money and the old family money that’s left. The newcomers and small folks, see ya, goodbye, parties over!


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