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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

STUNNING! Pelosi Bragged on MSNBC on How Democrats Killed Crucial Funding to Small Businesses During Coronavirus Crisis

At least 20,000 business applications went unprocessed on Thursday and Friday.

But so far Nancy Pelosi refuses to act.

All she needs to do is approve more funding for the program.

Last week Speaker Pelosi congratulated Senate Democrats for blocking crucial funding to small business owners in America.

Pelosi made the comments on MSNBC.

Nancy Pelosi went on late night TV, standing in front of her $24,000 fridge, to brag about Democrats blocking funding for small businesses

“They [Republicans] asked for a quarter of a trillion dollars.

“I said, ‘I don’t think so.'”

How heartless!



  1. Nancy Antoinette will rue working from home in front of her $24k fridge and $15 ice cream pints. Joe Six-Pack knows what he can afford, and that ain't it.

  2. Careful: your BS tank isnrunning over at this point.

  3. America...let's support the conservative GOP retaking of the House, maintaining control of the Senate, and winning re-election all the while exposing the liberal left for deceit and obstruction.

  4. 737 you are a fool. Believing a political hit job ad, no matter what party affiliation, makes you a moron. There is NOTHING conservative about the GOP. They are a part of the same corrupt false Dem vs Rep system that is tearing the US a part. All you have to do is look at the stimulus package. Both parties came together to write and pass this, including Trump. Despite the nonsense hit job ad, Pelosi and Dems were in full support of the stimulus. The problem is while buffoons blindly cheered for their respective party, all of Congress and the Pres. created a bill that is sending 100's of billions of dollars to corporate interest. Just take a look at the "small business" package to see. There is glaring corruption on all fronts but you wahoos who continue to turn a blind eye to your party's fault are cheering the US right over the abyss.

    1. 8:17 The only buffoon here is Nancy Antoinette. She is obviously out of touch with the American people and the current crisis. How could she possibly think showing off her two luxury refrigerators and the gluttonous amounts of ice cream she has hoarded be a good idea right now. Regardless of her political affiliation- just plain dumb.

  5. 7:37 they have done a great job of running the national debt to record levels while singlehandedly producing one of the worst disaster responses since Katrina

  6. 8:17 is right... we have misplaced anger at larry hogan who is probably a decent man and trying to help as many people as he can, and his wife isnt from north korea, lol. Where we are all wrong is we need to be mad the federal government, who hung us up to dry in 2008 and are doing it again in 2020, bailed the banks out with OUR money, those same banks made quarterly profits of a a billion dollars for the the past 10 years, that 40 BILLION in profits, the country 'shuts down' for a month and they need BILLIONS of OUR tax dollars. Thats you, me, and everyone else bailing those giant companies out again after they continue to shit on us and get away with it. Larry hogan, a state governor, is not our problem. Our anger should be at the the federal government who should mandate suspensions on all mortgate payments and append those suspended payments onto the back end of the loans, thats is different the cancelling loans.

  7. Due diligence. Its the process.
    Democracy is the worst form of government,,,,,,except for all of the rest

    Besides did not Moscow Mitch just say to wait and see,...no sense of urgency to see how it goes during the month of April and then look at it again in May????

  8. She will BRAG one time toooo much & get IMPEACHED 2020 !!! Keep on

  9. 8:17 Spoken like a true Libtard

  10. The crooked BIG businesses CAUGHT trying to STEAL small business $$
    & have to Pay it Back !!!

    The Govt is responsible too , because they sent Millions to Big Business
    without them even asking for it, WHILE small Businesses STARVE for $$$

    Shows What the Hell goes on here in AMERICA 2020 !!!! on TV news


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