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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Steve Bannon blasts China's response to coronavirus: 'They’ve got to be confronted'

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon joined "Watters' World" on Saturday to discuss China's role in the coronavirus pandemic.

"We have to have the stomach for this fight, and I think we do. I think it’s very clear: This is a fight for freedom," Bannon said of the U.S. confronting China for its lack of transparency ahead of and during the pandemic. "Remember: The Chinese people are the innocent victims."

"This is about a totalitarian regime, every bit as brutal, every bit as cold-blooded, every bit as tough as the Nazis in the 1930s," Bannon said. "They’ve got to be confronted."



  1. Well Mr. Bannon has finally said what so many others have said. May be he will also have some facts he could share with the rest of us.

  2. "We have to have the stomach for this fight, and I think we do. I think it’s very clear: This is a fight for freedom," Bannon said

    Well what freedom is he referring to?

    The freedom to have our government order us to shut down our business?

    The freedom to have our government order us to
    loose our jobs?

    The freedom to have our government order us to
    loose our homes?

    The freedom to have our government order us to
    stay locked inside?

    The freedom to have our government cause a food & TP shortage because of all of the above?

    Looks to me like China has already won.


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