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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

‘Squad’ Demands Vote-by-Mail, Benefits for Illegal Aliens in Relief Package

Far-left members of the “Squad” — Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) — are releasing a list of demands on Monday that they believe need to be in the next coronavirus relief package, including vote-by-mail and cash payments to illegal immigrants.

Omar announced on Sunday that far-left members of the “Squad,” as well as Progressive Caucus cochairs Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI), will introduce a series of demands for the next coronavirus relief package.

“The next relief package must #PutPeopleFirst,” Omar’s announcement reads, previewing a list of their demands. While their demands include some of the features of the CARES Act, such as cash relief payments, the progressive lawmakers take it a step further and call for all aid in every relief program to be available to everyone “regardless of tax or immigration status, age, or disability status.”

The CARES Act barred those without Social Security numbers from receiving the cash relief payment — something both Ocasio-Cortez and Omar took issue with.

The progressives are also calling for full health coverage for all coronavirus patients, protections for frontline workers, increased food aid, and eviction protections. Additionally, they are calling on the next relief bill to “enact a vote-by-mail requirement for 2020 while maintaining access to in-person voting”:



  1. Illegals do not have the right to vote in US elections.

  2. Demands? Insanity.

  3. No, No, No reject this "package" deal. Illegals, like we might as well call them, have no right to vote in an American electon. Absolutely, a thousand times, NO.

  4. Seem to me that's foreign interference in our elections. Isn't that what they wanted to impeach Trump for.

  5. They can > GO TO HELL !!! Not Happening on my watch !!!!!

  6. Squad of idiots. This cannot happen

  7. We can go to a grocery store wearing a mask and stand 6 feet apart and we can do the SAME thing when it's time to vote! And the illegals get enough free stuff so they don't deserve a stimulus payment!

  8. Maxine Watters said that virus dead should also be able to vote because they were planning on voting for Joe but their life was cut short.

  9. Holding the covid-19 relief package hostage during a national emergency to get their personal pet projects, that have nothing to do with the covid-19 virus or bartering within the Bill. Isn’t that “Quid Pro Quo”?

  10. If these twits don't understand the definition of illegal immigrants - they need to go. All politicians should be given a written examine to test for intelligence.


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