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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Some People's Haircuts Are "Essential"

Politicians and the people charged with enforcing politicians’ directives really can be like the pigs in George Orwell’s book Animal Farm.

The pigs’ express commandment for governing became, over time, “all animals are equal but some animals are more equal to others.”The “more equal” animals were the pigs in charge for whom the rules they imposed on other animals did not necessarily apply.

For examples of this commandment in practice, we can consider haircuts during the government-mandated closing of “nonessential” businesses, including salons and barber shops, in the name of fighting coronavirus. No professional haircut is allowed for the regular person in many parts of America.

But, for politicians and cops, the rules may not apply.



  1. A famous Democrat once said, "This isn't my hair. This is the American people's hair."

  2. Lmao Trump will reject a bailout for USPS because he knows republicans will lose if people can vote from home where they cant be oppressed. How are you not embarassed to support this piece if human trash?

    1. So.... you’re cool with illegals voting and multiple votes by one person? You do know how much mail is lost every year, right? Over 16 million pieces! Huge opportunity for voter fraud! You people need to get your TDS in check as it is really affecting your common sense! I have a visa for 6 years in a country in Europe. I can come and go as I please, when it opens back up, but does that mean I can vote in their elections?

    2. Please tell us the name of your home planet.

    3. Ha, ha, ha. The Democrats cannot win an election if their “supporters” have to get off the couch to vote two or three times.

  3. Watch yourself enforcers. The "people" are finally catching on. Might be time to start changing your ways.

  4. Thank goodness I saved my Flowbee.

  5. Personally, I would not go to my barber during this stage of the pandemic. I want NO ONE that close to my head and face, mask or no mask. That's just asking for trouble with a highly infectious disease that presents no symptoms during the first week after becoming infected/infectious. Just common sense folks. Instead of complaining you can't get a haircut, while others can, just protect yourself and let your hair grow for a bit. No harm done by waiting, unless you can't stand the way you look in the mirror. If you are complying with stay-at-home, then no one sees you but family, and they already know how you look first thing in the morning.

  6. To 04/11/2020 at 8:32 PM:
    Is Joe "The Friendly Fondler" Biden the best you Democrats can do? We know your party is counting on the welfare crowd and illegals for your votes.


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