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Thursday, April 09, 2020

Social Distancing Is Working; Why The Virus Hits Hard In The 2nd Week

New York state saw its highest daily death count today, but Dr. Anthony Fauci says because of mitigation strategies like social distancing, a turnaround may be in sight.

Some people who get COVID-19 will experience relief from symptoms, only to crash in the second week. NPR's Geoff Brumfiel reports doctors think they may have found a treatment for these patients.

Plus, U.S. states are competing against each other for the same scare medical resources.



  1. The herd needs thinning.These people are so frail a strong wind would end their existence.If the virus didn't kill them some little nothing would.

  2. We need to get back to work. We can open up places that are not hot spots. Use social distancing. The MSM is blowing this totally out of proportion.

  3. Church st. has crowds visiting on porches and also barbequing together. No social distance for some of a certain group, this is why so many are infected.

  4. This whole area acts like nothing is going on. The stores are packed, the roads are busy. Then on tv they say Americans have done a great job social distancing. Really? I see a handful of people with mask/gloves on. Yet a gentleman lost his life locally due to this virus.

  5. Social distancing is working,....hummmmmm.
    SO why are 8 Governors defying this ?


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