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Friday, April 24, 2020

Sheriff in Washington county where first US coronavirus case was reported says he won't enforce the state's 'unconstitutional' stay-at-home order

The sheriff of a Washington county which saw the nation's first COVID-19 cases says he will not enforce the statewide stay-at-home order because he believes it is unconstitutional.

Snohomish County Sheriff Adam Fortney penned a lengthy Facebook postcondemning strict lockdown measures on Tuesday night following a press conference where Gov Jay Inslee outlined a road map for reopening the state economy.

Inslee stressed that the timing of the reopening will depend on the state's progress on key public-health indicators, including its fatality and hospitalization rates.



  1. Why would this guy support violating Trump's reopening plan? The plan clearly says states should have 14 days of continuous declining Covid numbers before opening.

    Why would he directly disobey Trumps plan?

    1. Maybe the sherif doesn’t believe in Facism?

  2. So basically the sheriff is pandering for votes rather than enforcing the law. Does he really think he is a constitutional lawyer now? Does he really think he can usurp the court's role in determining what is lawful or not? Perhaps he could atleast point to which articles are being violated and how the current legal precedents are not available. This is the kind of base homework one should and can do, prior to taking that stance. But methinks he just decided he would do whatever he wanted to do.

    732: Trump's plan has little authority on the states, besides for Fed employees and facilities. All he can do is seek retribution with fed funding or political retribution

  3. Very wise decision. Maybe he's the only Law Enforcement that can read the U.S. Constitution.
    Don't worry, some attorney is going to represent some person aggrieved and they're going to
    hit the jackpot.

    These juvenile minded Governors making these decisions are going to empty their respective
    treasurys when a Constitutional challenge is mounted and the plaintive is successful.

    So, I say the same to you as I've said of Pelosi,... If you keep re-electing these dumb bastards, then let'em go and don't cry when you've had a part in it.


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