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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

'She has lied since Day 1': Over 155,000 sign petition to recall Democrat governor

'She's gone too far. I didn't sign up to like be in a communist state'
Momentum is growing for the recall of the Democrat governor whose recent actions during the coronavirus pandemic preclude many people from traveling between residences, and who insists the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy are "essential workers."

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is the subject of a Change.org online petition to recall her from office, and as of Monday morning, there were more than 155,000 signatures pushing for her ouster.

Though it has some misspellings, the petition reads:

"Recall Governor Whitmer. Her failure’s during the Covid-19 Corona Virus is causing more Michiganders to get sick. Closing and banning various non essential business’s and activities while leaving others open. Further promoting the pandemic. She has lied since day one with her #Fixthedamnroads which she has failed to do anything in this regards. The response to #PFAS was negligence and completely removing funding for #PureMichigan clearly shows her lack of anything positive for the State of Michigan."



  1. regardless of politico - hottie.

    ok, bourbon has got the better of me...

    3 days until tgif.

  2. They are incorrect. They have all signed up for a communist state. And it will be here soon enough. Soon, the light of liberty will go out in this land, maybe for good. Too many have forgotten the price of freedom. They actually belied that all of the "free" things being promised to them came without a cost.

  3. Everywhere dumbocrats are in charge is just in shambles

  4. Whitmer has got to be a Jake Day relative the same mentality, we need our petition now people NOW!

  5. Ok bourbon has worn off.

    Nah - not a hottie now.

    WTH was I thinking???


    Now TWO days until TGIF!

  6. Remove ALL Democrats from power ALL 50 states & Congress !!!!! 2020

  7. 9:33 am, so....start the petition, put online for signatures and then we'll get rid of Jakey Boi.

  8. Sounds like time for farmers to load the shit spreaders and head to the governors mansion.


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