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Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Russian Covid-19 aid plane to US: Putin asked Trump if he needed help & he accepted, Kremlin spokesman says

A cargo plane loaded with medical supplies and protection equipment may depart for the US by the end of Tuesday, the Kremlin said, after a phone call between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The issue of protective gear was raised during the Monday phone talks, with Putin asking if the US needed help and Trump accepting, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Tuesday.

Moscow suggested the aid in anticipation that the US will be able to return the favor if necessary, once its manufacturers of medical and protective equipment catch up with demand, Peskov said.

The current situation “affects everyone without exception and is of a global nature,” he added.

There is no alternative to acting together in the spirit of partnership and mutual assistance.

On Monday, Trump told reporters at the White House press briefing that “Russia sent us a very, very large planeload of things, medical equipment, which was very nice.”



  1. Makes me think of Kevin O'leary investor off "Shark Tank" T.V. show.
    When he invested, his first words were "We will get this to China to cut the cost of production and make you a millionaire".
    Now we need other countries to ave us from ourselves.

  2. How many people are rolling in their graves seeing us get charity from Russians

    1. Not me I love Putin and all he stands for !!! The man doesn’t allow perverted acts in his country he allows you to still worship the way you want to and I have friends that are Russian that say it’s really not that bad the only thing they look forward to us coming to Ocean City to work when they’re young to party and see how worthless and lazy most Americans are

  3. I don’t trust that slimy bastard Putin.

    1. Why? Remember is was Christopher Steele, James Comey, Obama, Biden, CIA, DNC, McCain and Lindsey Graham that caused massive disruption in America and other countries. Totally fiction written bar room talk. None of it was true. 50 million dollars investigation and several arrest over process crimes not related to anything Russian or anything to do with a campaigns. So why do who hate him?

    2. For killing and jailing his opponents. For invading Ukraine, a sovereign nation. For interfering in other countries elections. For changing the constitution to remove term limits and set himself up as ruler for life to name a few.

  4. Never look a gift horse in the mouth of my friends you take what you can get when you can get it and be thankful for it

  5. No Democrats should be able to have or use any of this stuff for all their bitching about how they would never accept help from the Russians!

  6. 9:34 - You only feel that way because of the media coverage, and you believe what your corporate overlords want you to.

    10:14 - Exactly. He knows how morally corrupt the entire world is becoming, and he fails to bow to the global elites. For this Russia gets labeled a bad guy, and pays the economical price with sanctions. I give it to them even with us slapping sanction after sanction on them they are still willing to help in our time of need. I give it to Trump for taking the aid knowing the media will smear him with it.

  7. 9:47 I feel bad for people like you who are so simple you have to classify things into only two groups. Red GOOD blue BAD where is my bashing stick. Troglodyte.

  8. OMG - now Nancy can say Putin and Trump are colluding again😂

  9. 9:12 AM
    What I see is the human race coming together to help one another

  10. It's great, but just wait..more fodder for the Dems "he's a Russian puppet" conspiracy

  11. free from the russians or pay dearly for it from the chinese?
    Never happy are you fools?

  12. They shipping some anthrax from Russia !!!


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