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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Rural America is facing higher coronavirus death rates than major cities driven by the aging population of small towns, report finds

Rural America is seeing higher death rates from the novel coronavirus than its urban counterparts because of an aging population, a new report suggests.

The research examined the impact of age on the potential death rate in each US county.

A demographer found that more than half of the country's rural counties would have significantly higher death rates among those infected with the virus than the US death rate.

By comparison, a little more than one-fifth of metropolitan, or urban, counties would have such high death rates.



  1. BS

    I am officially calling this article BS

    1. Me too 6:11 - lots of results can be fabricated by skewing the numbers and stopping any study at a certain point

    2. Common sense will tell anybody with a brain that more highly populated areas will have higher numbers especially where people are living on top of one another

    3. I’m right there with ya! Look at the 3 highest populated counties which are in and around the city. They have between 1500 and 2500 cases then Garrett county has 4 cases and Somerset has 5. So I believe that is bull people in rural areas aren’t around all kinds of strangers or a lot of people.

  2. Rural communities often have higher rates and additional diseases( obesity, heart disease, diabetes, copd, etc) compared to urban areas. Any viral illness, especially coronavirus, will hit these rural populations harder.

  3. “Potential” death rate. This is another guess.


  4. We will see in the end, but I doubt this. 1) consider the source. 2) many 'rural' people farm and work hard physically, which will improve their survivability somewhat.

  5. The disbursement/timing for rural ares was so it would appear spread by overwhelming urban areas. Only the urban areas slowed and gained control, but they didnt change the plan/timed disbursement. It sticks out like a sore thumb. To many important people have already exposed this virus could not have been natural, it is a bio-weapon.

    1. Everyone will eventually be exposed to this virus. Some will not even know it and some will die.

  6. You all are not stating a lot is coming from out of staters that have a second home in rural America. That should stop ASAP since they have a permanent residence in non-rural areas.

  7. O love it..more death to trump cult members...they will still blame Obama for it though..

  8. Ocean Pines would be a dust bowl if that was true.

  9. And... most accidents happen within 10 miles of where you live.
    So, i moved.

  10. We are seeing higher rates due to no testing

  11. Word around Annapolis is they hope this cleans up the eastern shore.

  12. I've emptied enough wine bottles to keep Jaws from going under,so that should help I suppose.

  13. 9:01 your TDS is so bad that you wish death on innocent people; fathers, mothers, grandparents. Do you live on the shore also? Guess what? this disease doesn't care who you voted for. You are truly a horrible person!

    1. 10:32
      This has nothing to do with sex or sexual diseases. Get your head out of the gutter.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: Almost every article I have read concerning a death blamed on the virus, there is mention of the victim having pre-existing conditions such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, pulmonary issues, etc. As I recall, I think studies have placed that number at about 85%.
    Just saying.


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