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Thursday, April 09, 2020

Report say American Companies are leaving China en Masse

The coronavirus pandemic may get American companies to do something the government has wanted for decades: return manufacturing to the United States.

Global manufacturing consulting firm Kearney released a report Tuesday that shows American manufacturing companies are leaving China en masse, spurred first by the trade war and solidified by China's inability to contain COVID-19 after unleashing it on the global community.



  1. Finally seeing the light, after screwing Americans for years using China
    slave labor for more profit , while jobs are lost in America !!!

    Feds should Require ALL to come & stay back here !!!

  2. Bull. They have already been moving out of China. They aint comin home. They are on to the next "King Lowest Labor Bidder". This has been happening now that the Chinese in the industrial areas have enjoyed growing middleclass wages for the last 15 years.

    1. American manufacturers have been leaving china gradually since 2018 especially when chinese Socialist communist government imposed new taxes on American goods. Now they're relocating in Vietnam, indonesia, india,Taiwan and even back to Mexico. US businesses have maintained that they're more focused on profits. So expect to see these countries to have their middle class to increase and take over the world in the future

  3. Can’t blame companies for leaving the United States, the greedy politicians tax them to death and try to regulate them out of business! The government can’t help themselves even though they have never managed anything right!

  4. I’m not convinced that the buyers for major stores can’t find similar products that are made in countries that are more friendly to America.


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