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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Rental owners say there's 'no light at the end of tunnel' amid coronavirus

ATLANTA - Rental owners nationwide are dealing with the impact of the coronaviruswhile their properties sit empty.

Jenn Cook has two rental properties in Florida that were booked into the summer season before the pandemic began.

“I mean, pretty much all of our pending reservations, canceled, every single one of them. As soon as they started to do this quarantine thing, it was kind of a ripple effect,” Cook said.

Cook’s income from her rental properties has drastically declined and she doesn’t know when things will get better.

“We usually make about $12,000 a month between the two vacation rentals that we have. We’ve lost March, we’ve lost April…and we don’t know how bad it’s going to be,” Cook said.

Thousands of rental owners are in similar situations. Rich Munroe, a rental owner in Georgia said it feels like they are living in the unknown.

“Any bookings that were booked for the next 60 to 90 days, all of them canceled,” Munroe said.



  1. "..thousands of rental owners are in similar situations"


    How bout hundreds of thousands. Real estate is huge throughout the nation - not just here on the east coast.

    Hundreds of thousands this impacts which then impacts tens of MILLIONS since those MILLIONS impact every facet of the economy.

    Our engine has many parts and right now it isn't running efficiently and the gas tank is almost empty.

  2. Afraid those rentals are gonna be empty for some time unless we all get together and get this nation open again.

    1. Hard to do when your taking pictures of people trying to earn money to eat.

  3. Oh Bo-Ho the rich property owner ain't going to have more money pouring in, I feel so bad for them.....NOT!

    1. Take your hatred and disdain and direct it to the powers that be.

  4. Good! I hope slumlord John Cannon loses everything. Thank goodness for Jake Day and Camp Hope. Once all those who must rent a home or apartment of John Cannon ate kicked out after they can’t pay their rent, they can move into a tent at Camp Hope.


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